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Launch Of Volume 6 Of The SUSS Humanities Book Series 《新跃人文丛书》第六册出版了!

The Centre for Chinese Studies @ Singapore University of Social Sciences (CCS@SUSS), and Global Publishing are proud to launch the sixth volume of the SUSS Humanities Series (新跃人文丛书) - Modernism in Singapore Chinese Literature authored by Dr Liw Pei Kien. This book, which was adapted from her Ph.D. thesis, is an investigation of the history and development of modernism in the field of Singapore Chinese Literature by various Singapore Chinese authors between the years 1965 to 2000. 

The book launch was held at the Programme Zone, National Library Building on 1st April 2018. In his welcome address, Professor Eddie Kuo was heartened that the writer, reviewers, and editors have worked hard to maintain the quality of this series of publications. Associate Professor Quah Sy Ren, who was also Dr Liw's Ph.D. supervisor, opined that this book examines the construction of a pluralistic paradigm and changes in the modernism of Singapore Chinese literature. In doing so, it contributes to a new understanding in the construction of modernity in Singapore Chinese literature. During the book launch, Dr Liw was also joined by Associate Professor Tan Chee Lay in a lively and thought provoking discussion on the diverse representations of modernism in Singapore Chinese literature which included writers such as Wong Woon Wah, Tu Nan Fa, Yeng Pway Ngon, and Chua Chim Kang. 

This SUSS Humanities Series of books aims broadly to examine trends to Cultural China. The notion of Cultural China transcends political or geographical boundaries. While its point of origin is China, Cultural China includes scholarship across different parts of the world where ethnic Chinese have resided. In this context, the issues that it covers range from the concerns of Chinese society in Southeast Asia; the grassroots movements in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan; Singaporean and Malaysian Chinese literatures to the transnational phenomenon of Chinese popular culture.









Professor Eddie Kuo, Academic Advisor to SUSS and CCS@SUSS


From left: Associate Professor Tan Chee Lay (Nanyang Technological University), Dr Liw Pei Kien
左起:陈志锐博士 (南洋理工大学副教授兼新加坡华文教研中心院长), 刘碧娟博士


Associate Professor Quah Sy Ren (Nanyang Technological University), Dr Liw's Ph.D. supervisor


From left: Associate Professor Foo Tee Tuan (Director, CCS@SUSS), Associate Professor Tan Chee Lay, Dr Liw, 
Professor Eddie Kuo, Associate Professor Quah Sy Ren, Feng Wan Ming (Global Publishing)


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