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Newly Launched Eddie Kuo Fund for Chinese Studies Supports Two Projects Now 郭振羽中华学术基金成立至今已有两个项目受惠

On 2 March 2023, the Eddie Kuo Fund for Chinese Studies was officially launched by SUSS and the event was graced by the presence of generous donors, distinguished individuals, and esteemed members of the fundraising committee. This fund serves as a remarkable tribute to Professor Eddie Kuo, acknowledging his invaluable lifelong dedication to SUSS, Chinese culture and language, and the education sector as a whole.

With an endowment of S$1.01 million, the fund will drive and support a wide array of projects including public events, book publications, academic research, and visiting scholar schemes, all with the common goal of cultivating and enhancing efforts to spread awareness of the Chinese culture. 


 (From left) Mr Lim Jim Koon, a member of the fundraising committee; Professor Eddie Kuo, Honorary Advisor, Centre for Chinese Studies @SUSS; Professor Tan Tai Yong, SUSS President; Professor Robbie Goh, SUSS Provost. A Chinese calligraphy scroll was presented to Professor Eddie Kuo. 郭振羽中华学术基金于2023年3月2日正式发布。(左起)基金筹募委员会委员林任君先生,郭振羽教授,新跃社科大学校长陈大荣教授及常务副校长吴文华教授。郭教授获赠一幅书法留念 


Professor Eddie Kuo (right) and Mr Choo Thiam Siew, a Chinese calligrapher who expertly crafted the calligraphy that was presented to Professor Kuo as a gift and a member of the advisory committee of Centre for Chinese Studies @SUSS 郭振羽教授(右)与书法作者朱添寿先生。朱先生为新跃中华学术中心咨询委员会委员 


Professor Eddie Kuo with guests and SUSS staff members 郭振羽教授与发布会嘉宾和新跃社科大学教职员合照 


 (From left) Mrs Eddie Kuo, Professor Kuo, Ms Claire Chiang(左起)郭振羽教授伉俪及张齐娥女士 


 (From left) Ms Lim Sau Hoong, a member of the fundraising committee and the advisory committee of Centre for Chinese Studies @SUSS, Professor and Mrs Eddie Kuo, Mr Wayne Peng(左起)基金筹募委员会委员林少芬女士,郭振羽教授伉俪,彭文淳先生。林女士为新跃中华学术中心咨询委员会委员 

The inaugural project funded by the Eddie Kuo Fund for Chinese Studies is the English translation of the Chinese book, Unity in Diversity: Language and Society in Singapore (多元和统一:新加坡的语言与社会). The translation project is currently underway with the supervision of Associate Professor Susan Xu Yun, who serves as the head of SUSS' translation and interpretation programmes. The anticipated timeline for the publication of the English edition is during the second half of 2024.


Unity in Diversity: Language and Society in Singapore was launched in July 2022 《多元和统一:新加坡的语言与社会》于2022年7月面世,并将翻译和出版英文版本 

Published under the SUSS Humanities Series, the original book is co-authored by Professor Eddie Kuo and Associate Professor Luo Futeng, SUSS’ former head of the Chinese Language and Literature Programme. The book discusses Singapore's language planning and bilingual education policies, focusing on their impact on crucial social science matters like national and racial consciousness as well as self-identity.

The book was picked by the news weekly Yazhou Zhoukan as one of the 10 best non-fiction Chinese books of 2022. 

Shortly after the commencement of the first project, the Eddie Kuo Fund for Chinese Studies proceeded to support the SUSS Academic Talk Series. Organised by SUSS' Chinese Programme, the inaugural talk of the series was delivered by Professor Zeng Ling, a scholar hailing from Xiamen University, China. 


Professor Eddie Kuo (second from left) was among the guests of the talk, he was flanked by Mr Kua Bak Lim (left), the moderator of the talk, and Associate Professor Foo Tee Tuan (third from left), Director of Centre for Chinese Studies @SUSS 郭振羽教授(左二)出席了“新跃讲堂”的第一场讲座,左一为讲座与谈人柯木林先生,左三为新跃中华学术中心主任符诗专副教授 

During the talk held on 29 June 2023, Professor Zeng delved into the celebration of the Hungry Ghost Festival in Singapore, tracing its origins back to Southern China. She specifically highlighted how "getai" had emerged as the prevailing mode of entertainment during this festive occasion. Following the talk, Mr Kua Bak Lim, a renowned local historian, engaged in a conversation with Professor Zeng and moderated the subsequent question-and-answer session with the audience.


Professor Zeng Ling answered questions from audience members after her talk 曾玲教授在演讲结束后回答观众的提问 


Professor Zeng Ling (fourth from left) and polytechnic students who attended the talk 曾玲教授(左四)与出席讲座的理工学院学生合照 

The general public can anticipate more talks on a wide range of topics related to Chinese culture, language and literature. The SUSS Academic Talk Series is supported by the Eddie Kuo Fund for Chinese Studies, which administers the funding procedure through the Centre for Chinese Studies @SUSS









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