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During Work Attachment (WA)


Mid-Term Review


Mid-way through WA, the student shall arrange for the WA Mentor to meet the WA Supervisor for a Mid-Term Review at the premises of the Host Organisation (HO) to discuss, in the presence of the student:

  • WA Supervisor's Feedback; and
  • Student Reflection
    How his / her learnings and contributions during the first half of WA will enable him/her to succeed in completing the WA, prepare him/her for graduation and be portable to his / her future work life.

WA Final Assessment by HO


In the final month of the WA, the student and the WA Supervisor shall complete the WA Final Assessment on Kinobi@SUSS.

Suppose the WA Mentor receives feedback from the HO of a student's unsatisfactory performance, the student shall arrange for the WA Mentor to meet the WA Supervisor for a Final Assessment to counsel the student and decide whether that student has to re-perform his / her WA in whole or attend a Counselling Session with his / her WA Mentor.


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