AD137: Learning Design for Adult Learners


Session 1:

Date TBC


Course Level: 

Target Participants: 
Associate and Faculty

Invited Associates/ Faculty will receive the registration details via email from TLC approximately four weeks before workshop.


Development of abilities that enable learners to thrive in uncertain, changing conditions places design and facilitation of learning front and center. With the workplace in flux from dynamically changing organisational practices and global, as well as technological developments, adult educators need to constantly evolve their practices to ensure their craft keeps ahead of learning challenges. Deep understanding, of the work of an occupation / vocation is required to deal with change; it is not developed by requiring learners to reproduce knowledge, but from the ability to co-develop and apply knowledge and skills in changing environments.

Deep understanding is integral to what it means to be a particular profession or role and is a never-ending journey. IAL’s research and development of the 6 principles of learning design provides a conceptual framework aims to assist adult educators in thinking about how to design and facilitate learning that enables our learners to thrive in changing circumstances. The growing emphasis on soft skills in response to a dynamically changing environment, in the hope that the learners would then be in a better position to cope and deal with the changes, does not alone meet current and future challenges. Rather, more democratic approaches are required where learners build knowledge and learn how to keep learning over a lifetime.

Learning Outcomes 

At the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:
  1. Identify how and why the Six Principles of Learning Design (6PoLD) contribute to learners’ lifelong learning capability
  2. Deliberate on the difference between traditional design and facilitation when using 6PoLD
  3. Consider the extent to which the 6PoLD reflect your own teaching and learning approaches

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