Support for Students with Special Needs

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Inclusive and Accessible Learning

SUSS strives to promote an inclusive and accessible learning environment for all our students regardless of their abilities and backgrounds. We understand that students with disabilities and special needs may require additional support in their learning journeys, hence a range of accommodations are made available to help students learn and thrive in SUSS.


The campus is equipped to facilitate access by persons with disabilities. Some of the features include:

  • Handicap ramps for access into the buildings
  • Handicap ramps from the bus stop to the buildings
  • Handicap toilets on every floor
  • Handicap parking lots in the carpark
  • Spaces in lecture theatres reserved for wheelchair users
  • Braille numbers and characters on lift buttons on campus
  • Lift service at overhead bridge opposite the campus


Faculty and support staff work in tandem to coordinate and provide the necessary assistance/accommodations to students with special needs which include:

  • Additional time to complete assignments/examinations
  • Text transcripts of video/audio clips (when available)
  • Live-captioning for deaf or hard-of-hearing students
  • Examination question papers with bigger font and paper size
  • Separate/more accessible examination venue

As each student’s requirements may be unique, students are advised to write in to to share their specific learning needs and how these can be accommodated.

For verification of disabilities/special needs, students are required to produce medical or specialist assessment reports when requesting assistance.

SUSS students with disabilities/special needs who require financial assistance to obtain assistive technologies or other services to support their learning may apply for the SEN Support Fund.

The fund covers:

  1. Assistive technology devices
  2. Funding for medical assessments
  3. Interpretation and live-captioning
  4. Note-taking assistance and learning materials
  5. Mobility devices and transportation support
  6. Other requests subject to approval from SUSS Student Life

To apply, students can email

  • iStudySmart Programme by the Dyslexia Association of Singapore (DAS)
    This programme aims to empower IHL students with dyslexia to become confident and independent individuals through the acquisition of time management and prioritization skills, planning and organization skills, and tertiary writing skills and presentation skills. Click here to find out more.

  • SG Enable IHL-to-Work Programmes
    Internship, mentorship, and career coaching programmes for IHL students and graduates with disabilities. Click here to find out more.

    To access a quick summary and overview of the programmes, support services and resources available, click here.

  • Teaching e-Resources by SUSS Teaching & Learning Centre
    Learn useful strategies to adopt to support the learning of students with special educational needs by clicking here.

Contact Us

Students are encouraged to reach out to to request for support or learning assistance.

For verification of disabilities/special needs, students are required to produce medical or specialist assessment reports when requesting for assistance.

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