SUSS Professional Certificate in Fundraising


The Professional Certificate for Fundraising is to enhance the professional skills and knowledge of fundraisers, enabling them to excel in their roles and achieve higher fundraising proficiency. The program is co-developed by National Volunteer And Philanthropy Centre (NVPC) and Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) to equip fundraisers and professionals in related industries with an updated skill set and a deeper understanding of the current best practices in Singapore.

The program focuses on establishing a strong foundation in fundraising by exploring the key drivers of high-performing charities. It also provides an insight into leveraging social media platforms to develop a compelling brand, execute effective fundraising campaigns and extend the community engagement in the digital era. Emphasis is also placed on building and maintaining strong relationships with different stakeholders through exceptional customer services in the context of fundraising.

Throughout the program, students will benefit from a blend of theories, real-world case studies and practical skills development. A more comprehensive understanding of fundraising strategies and effective techniques will be established after completing the program. The knowledge will empower the students to make a significant impact in the fundraising field.

The program will comprise three existing courses we currently offer to the public. Participants are required to successfully complete all modules within three years, starting from the date of their first module.

Please see the table below for the synopses of the courses. (You may click on the course title to access the individual course webpage.)


(CET146) Certificate in High Performing Charities

Next Available Intakes: 23 - 25 July 2024, 25 - 27 November 2024

This course introduces essential competencies for a high performing charity organisation – non-profit leadership, governance and risk management, fundraising and volunteer management. Harnessing the collective wisdom of sector leaders, evidence-based frameworks and peer interactions, you will gain insights to enhancing your organisation's productivity and impact.


(CET270) Customer Service Excellence

Next Available Intake: 3 July 2024

Retaining existing customers and acquiring new customers are vital for all businesses. Good customer service retains existing customers and creates customer satisfaction. This would lead to increased sales and referrals. Your customers are the most powerful form of advertising and marketing. Empathy is crucial to enable you to be able to identify customers’ pain points, and find solutions to address customer needs, build trust and loyalty, and retain customers who would be your organisation’s word-of-mouth (WOM) advertisers.

The workshop will also deal with service process and design. The use of technology, like big data and Artificial Intelligence, will be discussed. We should not lose sight that the customers are real human not artificial. The dangers and pitfalls of excessive use of technology and checklists will be discussed. The human touch remains vital for good customer service. Handling of difficult customers vis-à-vis satisfied loyal customers will also be discussed in the workshop.


(CET307) Branding Strategies & Planning Using Social Media

Next Available Intake: 13-14 Aug 2024, 21-22 Nov 2024

Students will learn to develop and launch a social media plan with a focus on branding, and analyse how social media impacts the branding efforts. Learn how to define social media communication strategies and manage Social Media Optimisation (SEO).

Upon successful completion of the three courses, a joint professional certificate will be issued by NVPC and SUSS to the students to recognise their competency in the relevant fields.

Programme Fee

Please click on course code for more information on course fees:

    (CET146) Certificate in High Performing Charities

    (CET270) Customer Service Excellence

    (CET307) Branding Strategies & Planning Using Social Media




    To apply for the SUSS Professional Certificate in Fundraising, please click here.


    For course registration and further enquiries on the certification programme, you may email to

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