Singapore University of Social Sciences

Management and Understanding of Mental Health and Psychopathology

Management and Understanding of Mental Health and Psychopathology (PSY413)


PSY413 Management and Understanding of Mental Health and Psychopathology uses a case study approach to learning about mental health conditions. Students will explore the evolution of mental health through the ages to understand how we talk about mental health and mental illness today. In doing so, they will also explore cultural influences on the understanding of mental health so that they can have a more holistic appreciation of the issues that affect those who struggle with mental health challenges. Instead of learning about mental health by condition, students learn about mental health holistically as they learn to identify the mental health conditions experienced by the characters introduced in this course, diving into understanding more about each mental health condition and how one mental health condition interacts with others. Through this unique way of learning about mental health conditions, students will understand the various nuances to each mental health condition and how each individual’s perceptions and unique circumstances contribute to the experience and management of mental health. Students will also have an opportunity to design possible treatment approaches for the specific case studies and through role-play exercises, learn to help the characters to manage their mental health challenges better.

Level: 4
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY


  • Introduction to psychopathology
  • Understanding co-morbidity and the experience of mental illness
  • Professional ethics in mental health and psychology in Singapore
  • Socio-cultural contributions to psychopathology
  • Approaches in Managing Psychopathology
  • Mood Disorders
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Substance Use and Abuse
  • Personality Disorders and Trauma
  • Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  • Neurocognitive Disorders and Caregiver Burnout

Learning Outcome

  • Appraise the factors and co-morbidity of mental health conditions as experienced by individuals.
  • Analyse how mental health conditions are classified in the DSM.
  • Compare the differences in mental health as stated in the DSM and the actual lived experience.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of different approaches in working with people with mental health conditions.
  • Judge the importance of good interpersonal skills in interacting with people with mental health conditions.
  • Improve personal knowledge and skills in interacting with people with mental health conditions.
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