Singapore University of Social Sciences

Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education and Sport

Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education and Sport (BSE355)


BSE355 Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education and Sport centres around knowledge on assessment in the 3 domains of psychomotor, cognitive, and affective, and the assessment of performance in sport. This course is designed to provide students with measurement and evaluation knowledge and skills essential to becoming an effective evaluator in the physical education and sport instructional setting. Topics include formative assessment, test administration, test construction, performance-based assessments, rubrics, grading, and fitness and skill testing, application and use of results in improving teaching and performance.

Level: 3
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN


  • Introduction to measurement and evaluation in PE and Sport
  • Understanding measurement and evaluation terminologies and their relationship
  • Basic principles of data collection and statistical analysis
  • Understanding the principles of programme development
  • Principles in measuring and evaluating PE programmes
  • Cognitive and affective assessments
  • Measuring components of fitness and physical activity
  • Applying data analysis to improve PE performance and programmes
  • Principles in measuring and evaluating Sports performances and programmes
  • Measuring sports and game skills and performances
  • Applying data analysis to improve Sports performances and programmes
  • Effective programme monitoring and evaluation

Learning Outcome

  • Describe assessment and evaluation definitions and related terminologies and discuss their relationship.
  • Indicate and organise the steps of programme development and discuss the role of measurement and evaluation in this process.
  • Illustrate valid and reliable tests that measure various components of physical fitness and sport.
  • Determine the roles and relationship of the taxonomy of educational objectives and the table of specifications in the process of constructing a quality test.
  • Create appropriate assessments for formative and summative evaluation of student/athlete achievement.
  • Demonstrate thorough planning for test administration to ensure collection of valid data in physical education and sport.
  • Show the ability to assess student achievement of psychomotor, cognitive, and affective objectives, and sports performance.
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