SDW179: Levelling Up Presentation Slides Through Design (I)


Session 1:

5 Sep 2024 (Thurs)
1900 hrs - 2200 hrs

Event ID: EV24000100

Mode: Online via Zoom platform

Course Level: 

Target Participants: 
New & existing undergraduates and postgraduates only

Registration Period: 
22 Jun 2024 – 25 Aug 2024

How to register:

  • Log in to Student Portal.
  • Click on “E-Services” on the left menu.
  • Click on “Event Service Online” in Student eService.
  • Click on the “Event ID” of the specific workshop you wish to register for.


When poorly designed slides are presented, it contributes to the phenomenon known as “Death by PowerPoint”. This workshop aims to steer your PowerPoint presentations away from this phenomenon by providing you the basics—and best practice when it comes to slide design.  In this workshop, you will learn and apply design principles, typography, colour theory, and imagery (i.e., stock photos, real images, and illustrations) to manipulate and enhance the textual information in your presentation slides. You will experience the art and science of effective slide design from scratch through learning by thinking, making, doing, and reflecting. The knowledge and skill from this workshop aim to help you design engaging PowerPoint presentation required for your course and/or for a professional setting.

Note: This workshop is designed for those who mostly relied on custom-made templates to create their presentation in the past but wish to explore other ways to improve their slide design skills and visual sensitivity.


  • Limited to 35 participants per session
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