(in English)
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〈四不像“大英(国)”: 大清天朝体制钤压下的汉译泰西国名〉(Da-Ying: the Translated Chinese Name for Great Britain Coined under the Political Oppression of Great Qing Celestial Empire Insitution),《翻译 史研究》第3辑 (上海复旦大学出版社, 将于2013年底刊行)
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〈“镀金鸟笼”里的呐喊:郭实猎政治小说《是非略论》析论〉(Yells in the “Gilded bird cage”: An analysis of the political novel Shifei lüe lun by Karl Gützlaff), 刊北京外国语大学中国海外汉学研究中心、中国 近现代新闻出版博物馆编《西学东渐与东亚近代知识的形成和交流》(上海:上海人民出版社, 2012), 页 259-290。
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〈新嘉坡坚夏书院主持人帝礼士(Ira Tracy, 1806-1875)传略〉(A biographical sketch of the Rev. Ira Tracy, the missionary who run the American Mission Press in Singapore), Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies (南 方华裔研究杂志, published by the Australian National University) vol. 5 (2011-12): 209-213.
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〈十九世纪上半叶基督新教传教士在汉语词汇史上之地位–以郭实猎中文译者中之旧语新词为例〉(The positions of the Protestant missionaries in the history of lexicology in the first part of 19th century: a case study based on Karl Gützlaff’s works),《或问》(日本关系大学近代东西言语文化接触研究会) 第17 号(2009), 页1- 20。
〈基督新教传教士创制汉语新词的贡献〉(The contribution of Protestant missionaries in coining Chinese new terms), 刊李金强、吴梓明、邢福增主编《自西徂东:基督教来华二百年论集》(香港:基督教文艺 出版社, 2009), 页335-351。
〈郭实猎《万国地理全集》的发现及其意义〉(The Re-discovery of Karl Gutzlaff’s Universal Geography and its Significances), in Journal of History of Christianity in modern China Vol. 7 (2006/2007): 1-17.
〈1819-1844年新加坡的华文学堂〉(Chinese Schools in Singapore, 1819-1844), 载《海外华族研究论集第 三卷:文化、教育与认同》(台北:华侨协会总会, 2002), 页79-109。
〈马六甲薛氏家谱校补〉(Genealogical Record of the See Family in Malacca), in Collected Essays Presented to Professor Wolfgang Franke upon His Eighty-Sixth Birthday, edited by Soo Khin Wah. Kuala Lumpur: Department of Chinese Studies, University of Malaya, 2000.
〈有关文莱南宋蒲公墓两则史料之考证〉(Two Pieces of Historical Evidences on Mr Pu of the Southern Song Dynasty Dircovered in Brunei), in Journal of the South Seas Society Vol. 50 (1995): 87-95.
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“The Rev. Ira Tracy: the First American Missionary in Singapore” (submiited in May 2013 to the Hong Kong University Press to be included in a monograph on Cultural exchange between America and China in the 19th century. Forthcoming)
“Two Notes on the Chinese Kapitans of Malacca,” in Asian Culture 16: 56-59; June 1992.
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