Session 1: 24 Mar 2025 (Mon) 1830 hrs - 2130 hrs Mode: Face-to-face on SUSS campus Session 2: 22 Sep 2025 (Mon) 1830 hrs - 2130 hrs Mode: Face-to-face on SUSS campus | Course Level: Intermediate Target Participants: Associates and Faculty
| Registration: Invited Associates / Faculty will receive the registration details via email from TLC approximately four weeks before workshop. |
This course will equip participants with the skills to distinguish different problem types, master the 3C3R problem design model, and implement a 9-step problem design process. These conceptual frameworks have been translated into clearly defined stages which participants can use to conduct front-end analysis, generate and refine problems, and perform problem calibration and integration. Through guided hands-on activities, participants will be able to design problems that are effective for problem-based learning.
At the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:
- Distinguish different problem types using the characteristics of problems in problem-solving approaches
- Master the 3C3R problem design model
- Describe the 9-Step problem design process in 3 stages
- Carry out front-end analysis
- Generate and refine the problem
- Perform problem calibration and integration