SDW177: Academic Citation: What, How, Why


Session 1:

12 Aug 2024 (Mon)
1900 hrs - 2200 hrs

Event ID: EV24000093

Mode: Online via Zoom platform


Session 2:

17 Aug 2024 (Sat) 

1330 hrs - 1630 hrs

Event ID: EV24000094

Mode: Online via Zoom platform


Session 3:

26 Aug 2024 (Mon)

1400 hrs - 1700 hrs

Event ID: EV24000112

Mode: Online via Zoom platform


Session 4:

29 Aug 2024 (Thurs)

1900 hrs - 2200 hrs

Event ID: EV24000113

Mode: Online via Zoom platform

Course Level: 

Target Participants: 
All Students

Registration Period: 
Session 1: 22 Jun 2024 – 5 Aug 2024

Session 2: 22 Jun 2024 – 11 Aug 2024

Session 3: 22 Jun 2024 – 18 Aug 2024

Session 4: 22 Jun 2024 – 20 Aug 2024

How to register:

  • Log in to Student Portal.
  • Click on “E-Services” on the left menu.
  • Click on “Event Service Online” in Student eService.
  • Click on the “Event ID” of the specific workshop you wish to register for.



Academic citation is an integral part of tertiary education. Not only should you be familiar with the various citation styles available, you should also be able to cite accurately, for failure to do so would result in plagiarism. This workshop takes you through the APA style which is most frequently used in SUSS. While there will be a strong focus on how to cite and reference different sources, including ideas from generative AI tools, you will also learn how to incorporate quotes or paraphrase them in your essay. More importantly, you will appreciate the importance of attributing your sources in your assignments.



  • Limited to 40 participants per session
  • Students can sign up for any of the sessions
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