SDW279: Levelling Up Presentation Slides Through Design (II)


Session 1:

26 Sep 2024 (Thurs)
1900 hrs - 2200 hrs

Event ID: EV24000105

Mode: Online via Zoom platform

Course Level: 

Target Participants: 
New & existing undergraduates and postgraduates only

Registration Period: 
22 Jun 2024 – 17 Sep 2024

How to register:

  • Log in to Student Portal.
  • Click on “E-Services” on the left menu.
  • Click on “Event Service Online” in Student eService.
  • Click on the “Event ID” of the specific workshop you wish to register for.


“PowerPoint slides are like children: No matter how ugly they are, you’ll think they’re beautiful if they are yours” (Scott Adams, author of Joy of Work). This quote remains true for most people, regardless of how much we know about presentation design tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and/ or Apple’s Keynote. This workshop aims to develop your criticality towards PowerPoint presentation slide designs by sharpening your design skills.

This workshop builds on and extends the topics in SDW179 Levelling Up Presentation Slides Through Design (Part I). Specifically, we will examine best practices and explore the use of imagery, basic diagram development, and table and chart creation for presentation slides. In addition, we will experiment with a predefined grid system to build reusable layouts for the organization and presentation of information. The workshop will conclude with a short overview of the role and use of artificial intelligence (AI) in presentation design.

Note: This workshop is designed for those who have acquired basic knowledge and skills in presentation design and want to learn more about creating diagrams, tables, and charts and manipulating custom-made presentation templates. Students are encouraged to attend SDW179 Levelling Up Presentation Slides Through Design (Part I) before attending this workshop.


  • Limited to 35 participants per session
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