Invited Presentations
Brandon Koh (2017).
A time for creativity. Invited speaker at the TEDxNTU 2017: “Here’s to the Game Changers”, October 2017, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Brandon Koh (2017).
The schema for future innovation. Invited presentation at the CrossRef LIVE Annual Conference, November 2017, Singapore.
Brandon Koh (2017).
How future-oriented schemas facilitate creativity. Invited presentation at the Behavioral Science Institute (BSI), September, 2017, Singapore.
Brandon Koh (2021).
Busyness: Good or bad? Invited presentation at the SMU Capstone Seminar Series, September 2021, Singapore.
Brandon Koh (2022).
Is busyness good or bad for you? Invited presentation at the Behavioral Science Institute (BSI), Singapore Management University, February 2022, Singapore.
Brandon Koh (2023).
How do thinking of the past and the future shape our creativity? Invited presentation at the Behavioral Science Initiative (BSI), Singapore Management University, March 2023.
Conference Presentations
Brandon Koh, & Leung, A. K.-y. (2023, Feb 24).
How past and future time-orientations and their schemas impact creative cognition. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention 2023. Atlanta, GA
Brandon Koh, Wee, C., Chong, K. M., Leung, A. K.-y., (2022, Feb 19).
The lay theories of leisure in today's culture of busyness and its impact on work and well-being. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention 2022. San Francisco, CA, USA.
Huang, T. J., Brandon Koh, Miron-Spektor, E., & Leung, A. K.-y. (2022, Feb 19).
Harnessing paradox mindset to promote working motherhood through career-motherhood enrichment. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention 2022. San Francisco, CA, USA.
Brandon Koh, & Leung, A. K.-y. (2021, May).
How time-oriented projections foster creativity and social innovation. 2021 Association for Psychological Science Virtual Convention.
Meurzec, R. W., Brandon Koh, Koronis, G., Kang, J., Yogiaman, C., Silva, A. (2019).
Assessing regulatory focus differences in creative ideation: An examination of prevention and promotion mindsets on novelty and usefulness. International Conference on Engineering Design 2019, Delft, Netherlands.
[Top 10% Papers Award]
Brandon Koh, & Leung, A. K.-y. (2019).
The instrumental self-regulated pursuit of busyness affect in the culture of busyness. Poster presented at the 2019 Annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology Convention, Feb, 2019, Portland, OR.
Leung, A. K.-y., & Brandon Koh (2019).
Understanding pro-environmental intentions by integrating insights from social mobility, cosmopolitanism, and social dominance. Symposium paper presented at the 13th Asian Association of Social Psychology Conference, Taipei, July, 2019.
Brandon Koh (2018).
How schemas of future societal progress broaden our creative thinking. Symposium paper presented at the 30th Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, May, 2018.
[Symposium Chair and Organizer for “Moral and Creative Benefits of a Broadened Sense of Self”]
Leung, A. K.-y., Liou, S., Miron-Spektor, E., Brandon Koh, Chan, D., Eisenberg, R., Schneider, I. (2017).
East Asia and middle ground approach: The case of creativity. Symposium conducted at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 2017, Atlanta, GA.
Leung, A. K.-y., Brandon Koh, & Phang, R. (2017).
The creative and well-being benefits of instrumental emotion regulation. Paper presented at the 2017 Academy of Management Meeting under the Academy of Management Perspective Showcase Symposium, August 2017, Atlanta, Georgia.
Leung, A. K.-y., Miron-Spektor, E., Liou, S., Brandon Koh, & Chan, D. (2017).
Creative benefits of paradox: Middle ground vs. integration approach. Paper presented at the second biennial International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), March 2017, Vienna, Austria.
Phang, R., Leung, A. K.-y., Qiu, L., & Brandon Koh (2017).
Win, but not so much: The ideal percentage hypothesis. Poster presented at the second biennial International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), March 2017, Vienna, Austria.
Leung, A. K.-y., Tam, K., & Brandon Koh (2017, Aug).
Cosmopolitan orientation benefits the environment by increasing perceived threat of cultural sustainability by climate change. Asian Association of Social Psychology Conference. Auckland, New Zealand.
Leung, A. K.-y., Miron-Spektor, E., Liou, S., Chan, D. & Brandon Koh (2016, Aug).
Unpacking the creative benefits of paradoxical frames: Between-person and between-culture analyses. In L. Kwan (Chair), Culture, creativity, and innovation. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 23rd International Congress, Nagoya, Japan.
Hartanto, A. Yang, H. & Brandon Koh (2015).
Investigating the relationship between early onset of actively playing video games and shifting aspects of executive control. Poster presentation at the 27th APS Annual Convention, May, 2015, New York, NY.
Brandon Koh (2015).
Refusal to believe that one has been deceived: Persistence of placebo effects after debriefing. Poster presentation at National University of Singapore, National Psychology Graduate Student Conference, March, 2015, Singapore.
Chan, C., Tan, K., Mehta, K., Chui, Y. P., Hassan, S., & Brandon Koh (2013).
Designing e-Services for an Aging Society. Paper presented at the Thirty Fourth International Conference of Information Systems, December 2013, Milan, Italy.