Mei Zhen Ng

Dr Ng Mei Zhen


Centre for Continuing & Professional Education

Tel: +65 6240 8985

Email: bXpuZ0BzdXNzLmVkdS5zZw==

Educational Qualifications

PhD Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University

B.Eng (Hons) Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University

Academic and Professional Experience

2021- Present
Lecturer, Singapore University of Social Sciences

2016 – 2021
Senior Engineer, Globalfoundries Singapore Pte Ltd

2015 – 2016
Project Officer, Nanyang Technological University

JD Lim, MZ Ng, K Yamane, CS Seet US Patent App. 16/548,854
Memory device and method of forming the same (2021)

BH Lee, CL Gan, MZ Ng, AA Zinn US Patent 10,202,512
Conductive paste, method for forming an interconnection and electrical device (2019)

Dai, Y. Y., M. Z. Ng, P. Anantha, Y. D. Lin, Z. G. Li, C. L. Gan, and C. S. Tan Applied Physics Letters 108, no. 26 (2016)
Enhanced copper micro/nano-particle mixed paste sintered at low temperature for 3D interconnects

BH Lee, MZ Ng, AA Zinn, CL Gan, IEEE 17th Electronics Packaging and Technology Conference (EPTC) (2015)
Application of copper nanoparticles as die attachment for high power LED, 2015

  • Work-based Learning
  • Social Media and its influences
  • Critical Core Skills Competency
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