Wu Qi. Looking at the Flying Clouds from the South: Transregional Network of the Dejiao Charity Organization in Southeast Asia (南望飛雲:東南亞德教慈善團體的跨域網路). Singapore: Chinese Studies Department of NUS and World Scientific Publishing, 2024.
Wu Qi. Journey to the East, Roots Searching of Dejiaohui. Manuscript in preparation.
Book Chapter:
“Comparative Study of Haw Par Villa in Singapore and Yongding (新加坡、永定兩地虎豹別墅的比較研究)”, in Wong Sin Kiong, eds. Trans-regional and Cross-disciplinary Studies on Hakka Culture (Singapore: NUS Chinese Studies, Char Yang Association, Global Publishing, 2015), pp.39-58.
Refereed Article:
“Discourse of the City in Fiction and Memory: A Study on the Material History in Tian Gong Kai Wu: A Practical Guide to Imaginary Inventions(天工开物﹒栩栩如真)”, in The Journal of Chinese Literature and Cultural Studies 華人文學與文化研究輯刊, Vol.3 (Shanghai: Fudan University Press), In Press, expected October 2025.
“Join from home – Three scenarios of Singaporean Chinese temples in the time of COVID”, CoronAsur Religion & Covid-19. 2022.
“Bo Juyi’s Chang’an Mentality and the Composition of Poetry (白居易的長安心態與詩歌創作)”, in Journal of Chinese Language and Culture 中國言語文化, Vol.3 (Seoul: Chinese Language and Culture Society, 2013), pp.359-376.
“If False Make the True and True as Well False- Zhen Shiyin, Jia Yucun and the Theme of Reality and Illusion in The Story of the Stone (假作真時真亦假——甄士隱和賈雨村與《紅樓夢》中的真假題旨)”, in Cao Xueqin Studies 曹雪芹研究, Vol.2 (Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2012), pp.124-136.