Chongwu Xia

Dr Xia Chongwu

Senior Lecturer, Finance Programme

School of Business

Tel: +65 6248 4477

Email: Y2hvbmd3dXhpYUBzdXNzLmVkdS5zZw==

Educational Qualifications

  • 2017
    PhD (Finance), Nanyang Technological University
  • 2011
    BSc (1st Class Honors, Mathematics and Economics), Nanyang Technological University

Academic and Professional Experience

  • 2023 - Present
    Senior Lecturer, School of Business, Singapore University of Social Sciences
  • 2019 - 2023
    Associate Professor of Finance (Tenure-track), University of Science and Technology of China
  • 2017 - 2019
    Assistant Professor of Finance, Xiamen University

Journal Papers

  • Jeffrey Pittman, Baolei Qi, Yi Si, Zitian Wang, and Chongwu Xia. Individual Auditor Social Responsibility and Audit Quality: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics, forthcoming. (FT50; ABDC A)
  • Zeyuan Huang, Yi Si, Gaoliang Tian, Chongwu Xia, and Lei Zhang. Learning ESG from Stock Prices: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment in China. Accounting & Finance, forthcoming. (ABDC A)
  • Xin Dai, Zheng Qiao, and Chongwu Xia. Options Trading and Earnings Management. Accounting Horizons, forthcoming. (ABDC A)
  • Chongwu Xia, Chong Guan, Ding Ding, and Yun Teng. Navigating Success in Carbon Offset Projects: A Deep Dive into the Determinants Using Topic Modeling. Sustainability, 2024, 16(4): 1595.
  • Yi Si, and Chongwu Xia. The Effect of Human Capital on Stock Price Crash Risk. Journal of Business Ethics, 2023, 187(3): 589-609. (FT50; ABDC A)
  • Wei Shi, Chongwu Xia, and Philipp Meyer-Doyle. Institutional Investor Activism and Employee Safety: The Role of Activist and Board Political Ideology. Organization Science, 2022, 33(6): 2404-2420. (UTD24; FT50; ABDC A*)
  • Jeong-Bon Kim, Yi Si, Chongwu Xia, and Lei Zhang. Corporate Derivatives Usage, Information Environment, and Stock Price Crash Risk. European Accounting Review, 2022, 31(5): 1263-1297. (ABDC A*)
  • Chongwu Xia, Chuyi Yang, and Lei Zhang. The Real Effect of Foreign Exchange Hedging on Corporate Innovation. Journal of Futures Markets, 2021, 41(12): 2046-2078. (ABDC A)
  • Zheng Qiao, Chongwu Xia, and Lei Zhang. Does Corporate Hedging Affect Firm Valuation? Evidence from the IPO Market. Journal of Futures Markets, 2020, 40(6): 895-927. (ABDC A)
  • Yi Si, Chongwu Xia, and Endong Yang. The Bright Side of Sentiment: Evidence from Real Activities Manipulation. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2020, 27(3): 327-351. (ABDC B)
  • Wai Yee Wan, Christopher C. Chen, Chongwu Xia, and Say Hak Goo. Managing the Risks of Corporate Fraud: The Evidence from Hong Kong and Singapore. Hong Kong Law Journal, 2018, 48(1): 125-166. (ABDC A)

Conference Papers

  • Jincheng Zheng, Chongwu Xia, Swee-Won Lo, and David Lee Kuo Chuen. Navigating Cryptocurrencies' Next Frontier: The Revolution Towards Decentralizing Physical Infrastructure. 6th Blockchain International Scientific Conference Proceedings, 2024.
  • Chongwu Xia, and Philipp Meyer-Doyle. Who Bleeds When Activists Attack? Activist Institutional Ownership and Employee Safety. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021, 2021(1): 10538.
  • 2017 - 2023
    Ad-hoc Referee for Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Futures Markets, Accounting & Finance, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Economic Modelling, Finance Research Letters, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, and International Review of Economics and Finance
  • 2018
    Contributor for Oxford Business Law Blog
  • 2017 - 2020
    Consultant for RBS Group Pte. Ltd.
  • 2024
    2nd Prize, Blockchain International Scientific Conference
  • 2023
    Responsible Research in Management Award, Sponsored by the Academy of Management Fellows, Co-sponsored by the Responsible Research in Business and Management
  • 2023
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 72302225), Principal Investigator
  • 2019-2023
    Mozi Outstanding Young Scholar Allowance
  • 2021-2022
    Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Principal Investigator
  • 2021
    STR Best Paper Award in Stakeholder and Nonmarket Strategy, Academy of Management Annual Conference
  • 2018-2019
    Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Principal Investigator
  • Corporate Finance
  • Fintech
  • Financial Markets
  • ESG
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