Yeo, E. Y., Ortega, E., & Phang, A. S. M. (2024, November)
A Digital Storytelling Approach to Teaching Psychology. [Poster presentation]. SUSS Science of Teaching and Learning Symposium 2024, Singapore.
Tay, A. X., Ortega, E., Chan, Y. X. B., Ho, H. S., & Tang, S. O. S. (2024, November)
Families who eat together stay together?: Examining time use of families in Singapore by family structure. [Paper presentation]. Asian Family Conference 2024, Singapore.
Ho, H. S., Ortega, E., Chan, Y. X. B., Tay, A. X., & Tang, S. O. S. (2024, September)
Exploratory Network Modelling of Complex Human Systems in Time-Use Research: Results from Wave 1 of the Singapore NCSS-NAK 360 Panel Study. [Paper presentation]. Complex Systems 2024 Conference, Exeter, United Kingdom.
Ortega E. (2024, February)
Teaching Psychology Through Taylor Swift. [Paper presentation]. Swiftposium 2024, Melbourne, Australia.
Ortega, E., & Chan, Y. X. B. (2023, August)
Stress and Quality of Life Through the Pandemic in Singapore. [Paper presentation]. International Society of Quality of Life Studies Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Ortega, E. & Chan, Y. X. B. (2022, August)
A Healthy Singapore?: Exercise Time, Heart Rate Variability, and Quality of Life of Singapore Residents. [Paper presentation]. ASPASP International Congress, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Ortega, E. (2021, April)
Working with Athletes: Key Skills for Sport Psychology Practitioners. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Psychological Training and Consultation for Athletes, Beijing, China.
Ortega, E. (2020, September)
How Social Media is Rewiring your Brain. Paper presented at The 2020 Symposium on Well-being: Society and Well-being in the Age of Disruption. Singapore.
Ortega, E. (2020, July)
Social Dimensions of a Virtual Law School and Law Student Mindsets on Online learning. Paper presented at the Public Forum for the Philippine Association of Law Schools, Philippines.
Ortega, E. (2019, July)
Heart Rate Variability and Self-Regulation in Athletes & Non-Athletes in Singapore. Paper presented at the 15th European Congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Munster, Germany.
Ortega, E. (2018, December)
Well-being and self-regulation: An exploration of personality traits and heart rate variability among athletes and non-athletes. Paper presented at the 2018 Australian Conference on Personality & Individual Differences, Gold Coast, Australia.
Ortega, E., & Wong, S. N. (2018, July)
Profiling elite shooters: How personality and HRV influence performance. Paper presented at the 8th International Congress of the Asian-South Pacific Association for Sport Psychology, Daegu, South Korea.
Ortega, E. (2017, November)
HRV monitoring of elite shooters in training and competition. Paper presented at the Singapore Sport Science Symposium, Singapore.
Ortega, E. (2017, July)
Psychological impact of Singapore’s first Olympic gold medal. Paper presented at the 14th World Congress of Sport Psychology, Seville, Spain.
Ortega, E., & Wang, C. K. J. (2017, July)
Integrating mental skills and biofeedback training for youth sport shooters in Singapore. Paper presented at the 14th World Congress of Sport Psychology, Seville, Spain.
Ortega, E. (2016, November)
Heart rate variability as an index of well-being. Paper presented at the International Conference of Well-Being, Singapore.
Ortega, E. (2015, November)
Examining the use of mental skills and self-efficacy of open skill and closed skill sport athletes. Paper presented at the International Congress of Sport Psychology. Varanasi, India.
Ortega, E. (2014, March)
Psychophysiological applications in sport shooting. Paper presented at the 45th Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback Meeting, Savannah, Georgia.