Grace Chee

Dr Grace Chee

Senior Lecturer, Social Work Programme

S R Nathan School of Human Development

Tel: +65 6248 4385

Educational Qualifications

  • 2016

    Ph.D., Human Development and Family Studies, Michigan State University; East Lansing, Michigan (U.S.A.)

  • 2009

    M.S.W., Social Work, University of Michigan School of Social Work, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor; Ann Arbor, Michigan (U.S.A.)

  • 2004

    B.S., Psychology with Honour, Michigan State University; East Lansing, Michigan (U.S.A.)

Academic and Professional Experience

Senior Lecturer, Singapore University of Social Sciences

2017 - 2021
Lecturer, Singapore University of Social Sciences

2009 - 2016
PhD student and lecturer, Michigan State University; East Lansing, Michigan USA

Lee, J., Cheung, H.S., Chee, G., & Chai, V.E. (2021, In Press)
The Moderating Roles of Empathy and Attachment on the Association between Latent Class Typologies of Bullying Involvement and Psychological Distress in Singapore. Journal of School Mental Health, Special Edition.

Schiamberg, L.B., Barboza, G., Chee, G., & Hsieh, M. (in press)
In M.F. Wright (Ed.), A social-ecological approach to cyberbullying. Hauppauge: Nova Publishing.

Holt, T.J., Fitzgerald, S., Bossler, A.M., Chee, G., & Ng, E. (2014)
Assessing the risk factors of cyber and mobile phone bullying victimization in a nationally representative sample of Singapore youth. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology,60(5), 598-615.

Holt, T., Chee, G., & Ng, E., & Bossler, A. (2013)
Exploring the consequences of bullying victimization in a sample of Singapore youth. International Criminal Justice Review, 23, 5-24.

Qin, D., Chang, T.F., Han, E.J., & Chee, G. (2012)
I just want them to understand things from my point of view: Conflicts and communication between high achieving Chinese American adolescents and their parents. In L. Juang & A. J. Umaña- Taylor (Eds.), Family conflict among Chinese and Mexican origin adolescents and their parents in the U.S. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 135, 35-57.

Von Heydrich, L., Schiamberg, L., & Chee, G. (2012)
Social-relational risk factors for predicting elder physical abuse: An ecological, bi-focal model. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 75(1), 71-94.

Keown-Belous, C., Timm, T., Chee, G., & Whitehead, M. (2011)
Revisiting the sexual genogam. Journal of Family Therapy, 40(4), 281-296.

2010 - Present
Kappa Omicron Nu, National Honor Society in Human Services, Student board member on the Executive Board

2010 - Present
Phi Kappa Phi member (oldest honour society in the U.S.)

2007 - Present
National Association of Social Workers

  • Beneath the Rug Interview: 26 January 2021
  • Hosted SUSS Podcast: Social Work X Youth; 13 October 2020
  • Dalberg Advisors interview in conjunction with Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and InnoPower Fellowship Programme for social workers; 30 September 2020
  • Contributed to the SUSS Online E-blog: Meritocracy to social mobility: Boon or Bane?; 29 July 2020
  • Hosted Singapore Association of Social Workers Tea Talk: New Norms in Social Work practice; 16 June 2020
  • Member of Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF): Community Social Work in Singapore; 17 September 2019 - Present
  • Expert faculty mentor for Raffles Institute Humanities and Social Science Research Programme (HSSRP) — September 2018 - Present
  • Focus group facilitator, The Straits Times study: Singapore's 19 year olds: What they want — November 2018 - May 2019
  • Grandparents
  • Gerontology
  • Bullying
  • Elder abuse
  • Adolescent immigrants
  • Immigrant families
  • Race, culture, identity, and ethnic issues
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