Lance Ang

Mr Lance Ang


School of Law

Tel: +65 6248 2003

Email: bGFuY2Vhbmd3cEBzdXNzLmVkdS5zZw==

Educational Qualifications

Master of Law (LL.M.) (First Class Honours), University of Cambridge
(Lee Kuan Yew Fitzwilliam Scholar; Rank 18 / 192)

Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), National University of Singapore

Academic and Professional Experience

2023 – Present
Lecturer, School of Law, Singapore University of Social Sciences

2021 – 2022
Visiting Researcher, EW Barker Centre for Law & Business, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore

2018 – 2020
Research Associate, Centre for Asian Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore

2017 – 2018
Legal Counsel, Global Banking and Commercial Banking, Standard Chartered Bank

Lance Ang

‘The Case for Winding up for Inability to Pay Cryptocurrency Debts’ (2024) 140 Law Quarterly Review (forthcoming)

Lance Ang
‘The Legal Classification of Human Capital in ‘Markets, Hybrids and Hierarchies’ (2023) 11 Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 1

Lance Ang

‘The Regulation of Share Buybacks and Insider Dealing: A Comparative Analysis’ (2023) 18 Capital Markets Law Journal 329

Lance Ang
‘International Commercial Courts, Party Autonomy and the Transnational Rule of Law’ in Kun Fan & Charlie Weng (eds), COVID-19 and International Business Law (Singapore: Academy Publishing, 2023)

Lance Ang
‘Party Autonomy, Venue Risk and Jurisdiction Agreements – The Singapore Position Reappraised’ (2021) 17 Journal of Private International Law 281

Lance Ang
‘The Start of History for Corporate Law: Shifting Paradigms of Corporate Purpose in the Common Law’ (2021) 38 Wisconsin International Law Journal 427

Lance Ang
‘Capitalist Variations in “Say on Pay”: A Look at Corporate Governance Contradictions in Singapore and Hong Kong’ (2020) 15 University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review 222

Visiting Fellow, Centre for Business Research, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge

Visiting Fellow, Centre for Chinese and Commercial Law, City University of Hong Kong

2024 – Present
Research Associate, Centre for Business Research, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge

2024 – Present
Member, Publications Committee, Law Society of Singapore

2024 – Present
Peer Reviewer, Asia Pacific Law Review

2018 – 2020
Editorial Board Member, Asian Journal of Comparative Law (Cambridge University Press)

Lance Ang
‘Classifying Gig Workers under the Coordination-Risk Bargain: A Singapore Perspective’ (May 2024) Oxford Business Law Blog

Lance Ang

‘Why are more people in Singapore going bankrupt?’ Channel News Asia (11 March 2024) (with Adrian Peh)

Lance Ang

‘SEC Regulation of Share Buybacks and Insider Dealing: A Lost Opportunity’ (May 2023) Columbia Law School Blog on Corporations and the Capital Markets Blog (CLS Blue Sky Blog)

Lance Ang
‘How Regulation of Share Buybacks and Insider Trading Compare in the U.S. and Europe’ (April 2023) Oxford Business Law Blog

Lance Ang
‘Legal Disruption in Dispute Resolution in the Age of COVID-19’ [2021] Harvard International Law Journal (Online)

Lance Ang
‘International Commercial Courts and the Interplay Between Realism and Institutionalism: A Look at China and Singapore’ [2020] Harvard International Law Journal (Online)

Lance Ang
‘Capitalist Variations in “Say on Pay”: A Look at Corporate Governance Contradictions in Singapore and Hong Kong’ (May 2020) Oxford Business Law Blog

Lance Ang
‘Revision of the Singapore Code of Corporate Governance: A Shift from the “Shareholder Primacy” Model to the “Enlightened Shareholder Value” Model?’ (February 2019) Singapore Law Gazette

Invited Speaker, Corporate Law Teachers Association Conference, UNSW Law

Invited Speaker, Centre for Business Research, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge

Invited Speaker, Centre for Chinese and Commercial Law, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong

Invited Speaker, Stanford International Junior Faculty Forum, Stanford Law School

Invited Speaker, Herbert Smith Freehills China International Business and Economic Law (CIBEL) Global Network Young Scholars Workshop, UNSW Law

Invited Speaker, Corporate Law Teachers Association Conference, Monash University

Invited Speaker, Symposium on Dispute Settlement in the Belt and Road Initiative, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore

Invited Speaker, Unpacking the Complexity of Regulatory Governance in a Globalising World: International Conference on Global Regulatory Governance, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Chair and Invited Speaker, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford

Invited Speaker, Faculty of Law, Corporate Law Teachers Association Conference, University of Auckland

1912 Senior Scholarship (Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge)

David Pearl Prize (Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge)

Hong Leong – Lee Kuan Yew Fitzwilliam Master Scholarship (University of Cambridge)

JRW Alexander Law Book Grant (Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge)

Lee Kuan Yew Travel Award (Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge)

Global Network Young Scholar Prize (Herbert Smith Freehills CIBEL Centre, UNSW Law, Australia)

High Commendation Prize (Corporate Law Teachers Association)

ICGRG Routledge Prize (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Dean’s List for Final Year (Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore)

NUS Faculty of Law Award Scholarship (National University of Singapore)

  • ‘Daily Cuts - Why are more people in Singapore going bankrupt?’ Channel News Asia (12 March 2024)
  • Corporate Governance
  • Corporate Finance
  • Financial Regulation
  • Commercial Law
  • Private International Law
  • Law and Technology
  • Comparative Law

Advocate & Solicitor, Supreme Court of Singapore

Member, Singapore Academy of Law

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