Ruth Yeo

Ms Ruth Yeo

Senior Lecturer, Law Programmes

School of Law

Tel: +65 6248 0465

Email: cnV0aHllb3NhQHN1c3MuZWR1LnNn

Educational Qualifications

LL.M., New York University

LL.B., (First Class Hons.), National University of Singapore

Awarded the Law Society of Singapore Prize for the top two students in Year 3 Examinations (2009). Placed on the Dean’s List every year – Year 1 Examinations (2007), Year 2 Examinations (2008), Year 3 Examinations (2009) and Overall Dean’s List (2010). Selected for the NYU-NUS LL.B./LL.M. Dual Degree Program.

Academic and Professional Experience

2022 - Present
Senior Lecturer, School of Law, Singapore University of Social Sciences

2021 - 2022
Deputy Public Prosecutor, Crime Division, Attorney-General’s Chambers

2014 - 2021
State Counsel, Civil Division, Attorney-General’s Chambers

2011 - 2013
Assistant Registrar, Supreme Court of Singapore

2010 - 2011
Justices’ Law Clerk, Supreme Court of Singapore

“The Presumptions of Resulting Trust and Advancement in Singapore: Unfairness to the Woman?” (2010) 24(2) International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 123-150, Oxford Journals, United Kingdom

“Revisiting the Alter Ego Exception in Corporate Veil Piercing” (2015) 27 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 177, Singapore (co-authored with HY Yeo)

The “Genius Star II” [2013] SGHCR 23 (judgment issued as Assistant Registrar, Supreme Court of Singapore)

Advocate & Solicitor, Supreme Court of Singapore

Member, Singapore Academy of Law

2012 – 2013
Assistant Registrar, Court of Appeal Counter, Supreme Court of Singapore

2012 – 2013
Assistant Registrar, Building, Construction and Complex Financial Cases Docket, Supreme Court of Singapore

2012 – 2013
Secretariat to Justice Chao Hick Tin, Committee to Review the Regulatory Framework of the Singapore Legal Services Sector

2010 – 2011
Chairperson, Singapore Academy of Law Strategic Planning Report (Justices’ Law Clerks Committee)

Represented the Government as State Counsel in various notable cases, including the following:

  • Madan Mohan Singh v Attorney-General [2015] SGHC 48: Successfully resisted the applicant’s application in a significant judicial review case on the constitutional right to freedom of religion;
  • AXY and others v Comptroller of Income Tax (Attorney-General, intervener) [2017] SGHC 42: Successfully resisted the applicant’s application to the High Court for leave to commence judicial review;
  • Attorney-General v Lai Swee Lin Linda [2015] 5 SLR 1447: Successfully applied for a declaration that the respondent was a vexatious litigant; and
  • Lai Swee Lin Linda v Attorney-General [2016] SGCA 54: Successfully resisted the appellant’s appeal to the Court of Appeal.

Fountain Court Chambers, London, UK: Selected for attachment to a leading set of Magic Circle barristers’ chambers under the UK Advocacy Attachment program (January – February 2015).

High Court of Justice, London, UK: Selected for attachment to the Commercial Court and Technology and Construction Court, Queen’s Bench Division, High Court of Justice, UK (March 2013).

Legal Theory & Philosophy Seminar, Singapore Management University:Invited as a guest speaker on a yearly basis (2012 2016) to speak on “Ethics and Morality in the Legal Profession”.

Public Officers' Law Seminar: Delivered a lecture on constitutional law to over 500 public officers (2015).

  • Family Law
  • Public Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Law and Technology

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