International Journal Papers Indexed by SCI/SCIE:
Yongmin Kim, Alfrendo Satyanaga, Harianto Rahardjo, Homin Park, and Aaron Wai Lun Sham“Estimation of effective cohesion using artificial neural networks based on index soil properties: A Singapore case,” Engineering Geology, 2021, IF 4.779 (Top 20% Rank 8th)
DaeHan Ahn, Homin Park, Kyoosik Shin, and Taejoon Park“Accurate Driver Detection Exploiting Invariant Characteristics of Smartphone Sensors,” Sensors, 2019. IF 2.475
Homin Park, DaeHan Ahn, Taejoon Park, and Kang G. Shin“Automatic Identification of Driver’s Smartphone Exploiting Common Vehicle-riding Actions,” IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, 2018. IF. 4.098 (Top 10%, Rank 14th)
Homin Park, Seokhyun Hwang, Myounggyu Won, and Taejoon Park“Activity-aware Sensor Cycling for Human Activity Monitoring in Smart Homes,” IEEE Communications Letters, 2017. IF. 2.723
DaeHan Ahn, Homin Park, Seokhyun Hwang, and Taejoon Park“Reliable Identification of Vehicle-Boarding Actions Based on Fuzzy Inference System,” Sensors, 2017. IF 2.475
Jong-Wan Yoon, Homin Park, Nam Sung Kim, and Taejoon Park“Cost-effective, Asynchronous Inter-sensor Distance Estimation using Trigonometry,” IET Electronics Letters, 2016. IF 1.155
Homin Park, Jongjun Park, Hyunhak Kim, Jongarm Jun, Sang Hyuk Son, Taejoon Park, and JeongGil Ko"ReLiSCE: Utilizing Resource-limited Sensors for Office Activity Context Extraction," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2014. IF 1.699
Homin Park, Can Basaran, Taejoon Park, and Sang Hyuk Son"Energy-Efficient Privacy Protection for Smart Home Environments Using Behavioral Semantics," Sensors, 2014. IF 2.245 (Top 20%, Rank 10th)
Papers in International Conference/Symposium Proceedings:
Yunlong Wang, Jiaying Liu, Homin Park, Jordan Schultz-McArdle, Stephanie Rosenthal, Judy Kay, and Brian Y. Lim"SalienTrack: providing salient information for semi-automated self-tracking feedback with model explanations," arXiv 2021.
Homin Park, Homanga Bharadhwaj, and Brian Y. Lim“Hierarchical Multi-Task Learning for Healthy Drink Classification,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2019, Jul. 2019.
Homin Park, Sanghoon Jeon, Taejoon Park, B. Brian Park, Junhong Jeon, Yongsoon Eun, and Sang Hyuk Son“Assessment of Route Guidance System Utilizing Turning Movement Specific Link Travel Times,” in Proceedings of the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) World Congress 2018, Sep. 2018.
Homanga Bharadhwaj, Homin Park, and Brian Y. Lim
"RecGAN: Recurrent Generative Adversarial Networks for Recommendation Systems", in Proceedings of the ACM Recommender Systems (RecSys) 2018, Oct. 2018.
Homin Park, Zhenkai Wang, Abhinav Ramesh Kashyap, and Brian Y. Lim
"Biases in Food Photo Taking Behavior," In the ACM Computer Human Interaction (CHI) 2018 Workshop on Designing Recipes for Digital Food Lifestyles, Apr. 2018.
Seokhyun Hwang, Daehan Ahn, Homin Park, and Taejoon Park
“Poster Abstract: Maximizing Accuracy of Fall Detection and Alert Systems Based on 3D Convolutional Neural Network,” Poster and Demo Session at the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI) 2017, Apr. 2017.
Hong Jae Lee, Homin Park, and Taejoon Park
"Asynchronous Distance Measurement for Smartphone-Based Localization Exploiting Chirp Signals,” in proceedings of the ACM Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems (MobiQuitous) 2015, Jul. 2015.
Homin Park, Daehan Ahn, Myounggyu Won, Sang H. Son, and Taejoon Park
"Poster: Are You Driving? Non-intrusive Driver Detection using Built-in Smartphone Sensors," Poster and Demo Session at the ACM Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom) 2014, Sep. 2014.
Can Basaran, Homin Park, Taejoon Park, and Sang H. Son
"A Service Oriented Smart Home Architecture for Better Quality of Service Management," Work in Progress Session at the IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS) 2013, Apr. 2013.
Can Basaran, Homin Park, Taejoon Park, and Sang H. Son
"Towards Intelligent Services in Smart Home Environments," Workshop at the Software Technologies for Future Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS) 2013, Jun. 2013.
Homin Park, Can Basaran, Taejoon Park, and Sang Hyuk Son
"Survey on Privacy Protection through Activity Cloak for Smart Home Environments," Poster Session at the International Symposium on Embedded Technology (ISET) 2013, May. 2013.
Homin Park, Taejoon Park, Sam Chung
"A Study on Privacy and Energy-Efficiency Tradeoff in Smart Home Environments," in Proceedings of the Self-Organizing Software Platform in Ubiquitous & Embedded Systems (SOSP) 2012, Jul. 2012.
Homin Park and Taejoon Park
"Survey on Privacy Preservation Methods for Smart Home Environments," Poster Session at the International Symposium on Embedded Technology (ISET) 2012, May. 2012.