Sheila Maria Conejos

Associate Professor Sheila Maria Arcuino Conejos

Head, Facilities Management with Minor, Facilities & Event Management and Graduate Diploma in Facilities Management Programmes

School of Science and Technology

Tel: +65 6248 6106

Educational Qualifications

PhD (Sustainable Development and Architecture) Bond University, Australia

MSc (Urban Development Planning and Environmental Management) Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

BSc (Architecture) University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Philippines

Professional Certifications:

Sustainability Facility Professional (SFP), International Facility Management Association

Facility Management Professional (FMP), International Facility Management Association

Understanding Building Conservation – Historic and Traditional Buildings, Chartered Institute of Buildings (CIOB) Academy

Project Management and Supervision – Historic and Traditional Buildings, Chartered Institute of Buildings (CIOB) Academy

Glenn Murcutt Master Class in Architecture, Architecture Foundation Australia, Sydney, Australia

Professional Training Program on the Development of Urban Environmental Management Project Proposals. Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Partnership (2003-2008)

Environment and Sustainable Development, United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan

International Cooperation and Development, United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan

Registered License Architect, Philippines Regulatory Commission

Academic and Professional Experience

2023 - Present
Associate Professor and Head of Programme, School of Science and Technology, Singapore University of Social Sciences

2020 - 2023
Senior Lecturer and Head of Programme, School of Science and Technology, Singapore University of Social Sciences

2015 - 2020
Research Fellow, Centre for Integrated Building Energy and Sustainability in the Tropics (CiBEST), Department of Building, School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore

2013 - 2015
Research Associate then Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Building and Real Estate, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

2010 - 2012
Casual Academic Staff, School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, University of Queensland, St. Lucia Campus, Brisbane, Australia

2002 - 2008
President and Founding Principal Architect/Urban Planner/Consultant, Conejos Designs and Development Incorporated, Cebu City, Philippines

1998 - 2002
Senior Architect and Urban Development/Regional Planner, ASEnriquez Engineering Consultancy, Cebu City, Philippines

1999 - 2000
Assistant Professor 2, School of Urban and Regional Planning, University of the Philippines - Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines

1998 (Semester 1)
Part-Time Lecturer, College of Architecture and Fine Arts, University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Philippines

1997 - 1998
Research Associate then Research Fellow: REDP-B Project of the Govt. of Japan, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

1995 (Semester 2)
Part-Time Lecturer, College of Engineering and Architecture, University of the Visayas, Cebu City, Philippines

1994 - 1995
Property and Building Management Team for Ayala Center Cebu, Cebu Holdings Incorporated, Makati Development Corporation, Cebu City, Philippines

1993 - 1994
Architectural Drafter and Technical Specifications Writer for the Cebu Business Park Master Plan, Makati Development Corporation, Cebu City, Philippines

Dr. Sheila Conejos has published a number of international referred journals related to building and urban sustainability with 1232 citations; h-index = 18 and i-index = 22 as of December 2023 (Google Scholar).

Books and Book Chapters:

Chew, M.Y.L., Asmone, A. and Conejos, S. (2018)
Design for Maintainability: Benchmarks for Quality Buildings, World Scientific Publishing Ltd, Singapore

Chan, E.H.W., Conejos, S. & Wang, M. (2017)
Low Carbon Urban Design: Potentials and Opportunities, in Creating Low Carbon Cities (Dhakal, S. and Ruth, M. Eds.), Springer, Switzerland, pp.75-88.

Conejos, S. (2013)
Design for Future Building Adaptive Reuse, PhD thesis, Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia (awarded the CIOB Australasia Award of Excellence for Doctoral Research 2023).

Conejos, S.M. and Kammeier, H.D. (1998)
A Strategic Plan Framework for the Urban Conservation of the Downtown Area of Cebu City, Philippines, Bangkok: HSD Research Report No. 41, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand (ISBN:974825,9789748256993).

Conejos, S.M. and Kammeier, H.D. (1998)
A Selection of Historic Sites for Urban Conservation in Cebu Province, Philippines, Government of Japan- REDP-B Research Report, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.

Conejos, S.M. (1997)
Transport/ Land Use Planning and Management as a Strategy towards Urban Conservation of the Downtown Area of Cebu City, Philippines, Master’s Thesis, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.

Conejos, S. et al. (1997)
Socio-physical Barrier-free Environment and Welfare at the City Center, 8th Asian Urban Planning and Architectural Workshop Report, Asia Pacific Center, Fukuoka, Japan.

International Referred Journal Papers (IRJ):

Athauda, R.S., Asmone, A.S., Conejos, S. (2023)
Climate Change Impacts on Facade Building Materials: A Qualitative Study. Sustainability, 15, 7893.

Athauda, R.S., Jayakodi, S., Asmone, A.S., Conejos, S. (2023)
Climate Change Impacts on Occupational Health and Safety of Façade Maintenance Workers: A Qualitative Study. Sustainability, 15, 8008.

Conejos, S., Chew, M.Y.L., Tay, K., Tay, S., Safiena, S. (2021)
"Green Maintainability Assessment of Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) Applications: Lessons Learnt", International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation. DOI (10.1108/IJBPA-04-2019-0038).

Conejos, S., Ubando, A. and Chew, M. Y. L. (2021)
Design for maintainability tool for nano-façade coating applications on high-rise facades in the tropics, Built Environment Project and Asset Management, Vol. 12 No. 1, pp. 70-95. DOI 10.1108/BEPAM-04-2020-0078. (2023 Emerald Literati Outstanding Paper Award)

Peh, L. L. C., Cerimagic, S. and Conejos, S. (2021)
Challenges of running online exams and preventing academic dishonesty during the Covid-19 pandemic, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (22). doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi22.830.

Law, L., Azzali, S. and Conejos, S. (2020)
Planning the temporary: Temporary Urbanism and public space in a time of COVID-19, Town Planning Review, 92 (1). pp. 65-74

Conejos, S.*, Chew, M. Y. L., and Azril, F. H. (2019)
Green maintainability assessment of high-rise vertical greenery systems, Facilities, Vol. 37 ( 13/14), pp. 1008-1047.

Asmone, A., Conejos, S. and Chew, M.Y.L. (2019)
Green maintainability performance indicators for highly sustainable and maintainable buildings, Building and Environment, (

Chew, M. Y. L., Conejos, S.*, and Azril, F. H. (2019)
Design-for-Maintainability (DfM) of High-Rise Vertical Greenery Facades, Building Research and Information, Vol. 47 (4), pp. 453-467. DOI: 10.1080/09613218.2018.1440716.

Chew, M. Y. L., Conejos, S.* and Law, J. (2017)
Green Maintainability Design Criteria for Nanostructured Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Façade Coatings, International Journal for Building Pathology and Adaptation, Vol. 5 (2), pp. 139-158. (2018 Emerald Literati Highly Commended Paper).

Chew, M. Y. L., Conejos, S.* and Asmone, A. (2017)
Developing a Research Framework for the Green Maintainability of Buildings", Facilities, Volume 35, Issue: 1/2, pp.39-63.

Conejos, S.*, Chew, M. Y. L. and Yung, E.H.K. (2017)
Future Adaptivity of 19th Century Heritage Buildings, International Journal for Building Pathology and Adaptation, Vol. 35 (2), pp. 332-347.

Chew, M. Y. L. and Conejos, S.* (2016)
"Developing a Green Maintainability Framework for Green Walls in Singapore", Structural Survey, Volume 34, Vol. 34 Issue: 4/5, pp.379-406.

Conejos, S.*, Langston, C., Chan, E.H.W. & Chew, M. Y. L. (2016)
Governance of heritage buildings: Australian regulatory barriers to adaptive reuse, Building Research & Information, Volume 44, Issue 5-6, pp. 507-519.

Yung, E.H.K., Conejos, S. & Chan, E.H.W. (2016)
"Public open spaces planning for the elderly: the case of dense urban renewal districts in Hong Kong", Land Use Policy, Vol. 59, pp. 1-11.

Yung, E.H.K., Conejos, S. & Chan, E.H.W. (2016)
"Social needs of the elderly and active aging in public open spaces in urban renewal", Cities, Volume 52, pp. 114–122.

Mateo-Babiano, I., Tang, H., Conejos, S. & Chan, E.H.W. (2016)
"Is an Active City a Healthier City for the Elderly? Examining Hong Kong's Active Transport Planning and Policy with Implications to Practice", Journal of Transport & Health, Volume 3, Issue 2.

Ross, B.E., Chen, D.A., Conejos, S. & Khademi, A. (2016)
"Enabling adaptable buildings: Results of a preliminary expert survey", Procedia Engineering 145, 420 – 427.

Conejos, S.*, Langston, C. & Smith, J. (2015)
Enhancing sustainability through designing for adaptive reuse from the outset: a comparison of adaptSTAR and ARP models, Facilities 33 (9/10), pp. 531-552.

Conejos, S.*, Langston, C & Smith, J. (2014)
Designing for better building adaptability: a comparison of adaptSTAR and ARP models, Habitat International, 41(1), 85-91.

Conejos, S.*, Yung, E.H.K. & Chan, E.H.W. (2014)
Urban Sustainability and adaptive reuse: A case study on the conservation of Hong Kong's CBD, J. of Design Research 12 (4), pp. 260-279.

Conejos, S.* (2013)
Optimisation of future building adaptive reuse design criteria for urban sustainability, J. of Design Research, Vol.11, No.3, pp.225 – 242.

Conejos, S.*, Langston, C. & Smith, J. (2013)
AdaptSTAR model: A climate-friendly strategy to promote built environment sustainability, Habitat International, 37(1), 95-103.

Conejos, S.*, Langston, C., & Smith, J. (2012)
Designing for future buildings: Adaptive reuse as a strategy for carbon neutral cities. The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, 3(2), 33-52.

Peer Reviewed Conference Papers:

Ku, S.W. and Conejos, S. (2022)
Shared Design Framework for Autonomous Vehicles and Land Use Interface, Mobility, Knowledge and Innovation Hubs in Urban and Regional Development. Proceedings of REAL CORP 2022, 27th International Conference on Urban Development, Regional Planning and Information Society, Vienna, Austria.

Conejos, S.* and Chew M.Y.L. (2020)
Sustainability and maintainability of High Rise Vertical Greenery Systems (VGS): its lessons and assessment scoresheet, Proceedings of the XV edition of the International Conference on durability of Building Materials and Components (DBMC 2020), Barcelona, Spain.

Conejos, S.*, Chew M.Y.L. and Lasternas, B. (2019)
Green Maintainability and Future Adaptive Reuse of the Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) in Singapore, Paper presented in the International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (SBE19 SEOUL), Seoul, Korea.

Yung, E.H.K., Chan, E.H.W. and Conejos, S. (2017)
Proposed Green Deck Project: A Framework for Engaging Stakeholders, Proceedings of the World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017, Hong Kong, S.A.R.

Asmone, A.S., Conejos, S., Chew, M.Y.L. and Piyadasa, R.U.K. (2016)
Urban Green Cover Protocol to Reduce Urban Heat Island in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Conejos, S.,* Langston, C. & Smith, J. (2011)
Improving the implementation of adaptive reuse strategies for historic buildings. Paper presented at Le Vie dei Mercanti S.A.V.E. HERITAGE: Safeguard of Architectural, Visual, Environmental Heritage, Naples, Italy.

Conejos, S.* and Langston, C. (2010)
Designing for future building adaptive reuse using adaptSTAR. Paper presented at the International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization: ICSU 2010, Hong Kong.

Conejos, S.M. (2002)
Urban Planning Process as an Instrument for Sustainable Urban Development and Management, Proceedings of the 5th National Civil Engineering Education Congress, Cebu City, Philippines.

Conejos, S.M.* and Kammeier, H.D. (1998)
A Strategic Plan Framework for the Urban Conservation of Cebu City and the Five Municipalities in Cebu Province Philippines, Proceedings of the 3rd International Forum UNESCO on University and Heritage, Melbourne, Australia.

Conejos, S.M.* and Kammeier, H.D. (1998)
A Strategic Plan Framework for Urban Development with Conservation in the Downtown Area of Cebu City, Philippines, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Heritage and Habitat Proceedings, Penang, Malaysia.

Note: * Corresponding Author of the indicated publications

2023 - Present
Member, Architecture, Culture, and Spirituality Forum (ACSF)

2021 - Present

Member, National Institute of Building Sciences (USA)

2020 - 2023
Member and International Chapter Councillor (2022-2023), Australian Institute of Architects (Australia)

2020 - Present
Member, International Society of Sustainability Professionals (USA)

2020 - Present
Member, International Facility Management Association and SIFMA

2019 - Present
Associate, Institute of Engineers Singapore

2019 - Present
Commission Member on Building Pathology, International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) (Canada)

2019 - Present
Commission Member on Smart and Sustainable Built Environments, International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) (Canada)

2019 - 2021
Associate, Institute of Engineers Singapore

2018 - 2020
International Commission on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) - Singapore

2018 - 2020
Singapore Institute of Building Ltd.

2018- 2019
Prefabaus Ltd., Australia

2015 - 2018
Member, American Planning Association (USA)

2015 - 2016
Associate, American Institute of Architects (USA)

2013 - Present
Member, International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) (Hague)

2005 - Present
Southeast Asia Urban Environmental Management Network (Thailand)

2003 - Present
Asian Academy of Heritage Management (UNESCO)

1998 - Present
Forum UNESCO- University and Heritage (UNESCO)

1993 - Present
United Architects of the Philippines – Singapore Chapter (Secretary: 2019-2019 and Director for Committee on Research and Academic Institutions: 2019-2020); United Architects of the Philippines- Sugbu Chapter (Past President: 2000-2001)

2023 - 2025
International Chapter Councillor, Australian Institute of Architects (RAIA)

2022 - Present
Sustainability Consultant, Philippine Embassy Chancery in Singapore

Book Reviewer for the "Greenery for Tropical Buildings”, World Scientific Publishing

Co-organised the Urban Geology Workshop 2022 in Singapore with the Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (COOP) and Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM)

2021 - 2023

Guest Editor for Special Issue of Sustainability journal on ‘The Impact of Climate Change to Facades of Tall Buildings’

2021 - 2023
Co- Chair for the Technical Working Group for Green Architecture for the Career Progression and Specialization Program and Credit Accumulation and Transfer System (CPSP-CATS) Committee, Professional Regulation Commission, Philippines

Jury for the Australian Institute of Architects International Chapter Award 2021

2021 - 2023
SUSS Virtual Lab Infrastructure Project Committee Member

2020 - 2023
PhD supervisor, SUSS Office of Graduate Studies

School of Science and Technology Dissertation Examination Committee (DEC) member (Internal Examiner) for the PhD Dissertation of Dr Ziwen Liu

Invited Speaker on the Design for Maintainability of High-Rise Vertical Greenery Systems in the Tropics, for SUSS and Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) collaboration

2019 - 2020
Sustainable Building Consultant, Youth Centre, Archdiocese of Honiara, Solomon Islands, South Pacific, Oceania

2019 - 2020
Scientific Committee Member and Session Chair for the Asset and Maintenance Management session, 15th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components (XV DBMC), Spain

2018 - 2019
Jury, United Architects of The Philippines Singapore Chapter Annual Design Competition

2018 - 2020
Research Advisor, Nan Yang Academy of Sciences Singapore (NAAS)

2018 - 2020
Advisory Panel, Green In Future, Singapore

2017 - 2022
Invited Resource Speaker, United Architects of the Philippines in Singapore and Philippines

2014 - 2020
Research Collaborator for the research project of Dr. Brandon Ross from the Glenn Department of Civil Engineering, Clemson University, USA. The project is entitled "A 'Learning Buildings' Framework: Quantifying the Adaptability of Building Structures and Envelopes".

2011 - Present
Peer Reviewer for more than 10 international journals such as Automation in Construction, Building Research and Information, Sustainability Cities and Society, Facilities, Habitat International, International Journal of Pathology and Adaptation, Structural Survey, Buildings, Sustainability.

1998 - 2002
Heritage Conservation and Urban Planning Consultant, Invited Speaker and Expert Reactor/Panelist to various non-profit, private and government sectors in the Philippines.

  • Sustainable Development and Architecture
  • Climate change adaptation and urban resilience
  • Healthy, Inclusive and Vibrant Neighborhoods
  • Urban Regeneration, Adaptive Reuse and Greening of Heritage Buildings
  • Circularity in the Built Environment (Sustainable, Adaptable, Maintainable and Circular Buildings)
  • Architectural Forensics and the Maintainability of Green Building Technologies
  • Design for Excellence (includes Design for Maintainability; Design for Adaptability and Reuse; Design for Disassembly)
  • Green stewardship for climate change adaptation and urban resilience
  • Architecture, culture and spirituality
  • Sustainable Bio-based materials for the built environment
  • Land use transport interface and sustainable mobility
  • Autonomous Vehicle ready buildings and its social sustainability considerations
  • 2023 Emerald Literati Award for Outstanding Paper (30th Anniversary of Emerald Publishing)
  • 2023 Emerald Literati Award for Outstanding Reviewer (30th Anniversary of Emerald Publishing)
  • Garbo ng Ormoc (Pride of Ormoc) Award 2022, Local Government Unit of Ormoc City, Philippines. The award was given to 7 Ormocanons who bring honor and recognition to the city and making their fellow Ormocanons proud, through their local and global achievements in their own fields of endeavour.
  • Pamana Ng Pilipino Presidential Award 2021, Republic of the Philippines. The Pamana ng Pilipino Award is conferred on Filipino overseas, who, in exemplifying the talent and industry of the Filipino, have brought the country honor and recognition through excellence and distinction in the pursuit of their work or profession.
  • United Architects of the Philippines National Award for Outstanding Member (Foreign- Based) in 2020
  • Emerald 2018 Literati Highly Commended Paper Award
  • Who's Who International for Urban Planning 32 Edition (USA, 2015)
  • Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) Australasia Award of Excellence for Doctoral Research in 2013
  • 2nd Place Winner for the 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition at Bond University in 2010
  • Australia's International Postgraduate Research Scholarship Grant, September 2009 - 2012
  • United Nations University Fellowship Grant, May to June 2003
  • Royal Netherlands Government HRID Scholarship Grant, January 1996 to August 1997
Dr Sheila Conejos continues to conduct research projects pertaining to building and urban sustainability by establishing the Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) Lab which is also supported by the SST - Sustainable Built Environment Fund. Her research projects include:

  • Project AdaptSTAR Scan (includes developing a web-based tool that serves as a database for adaptive reuse projects in the region (hopefully, globally), where crowdsourcing is used to keep updating the database).
  • Design for Future Adaptation and Disassembly (DFAD) Tool (a shared design framework with guidelines to improve the sustainability and circularity of buildings by linking these phases from design and construction to operations to maintenance to recycling and disassembly).
  • Research Fellowship Projects: 'Maintainability of Green Building Technologies'; 'Design for Maintainability guidelines'; and 'Facade inspection using drones and AI', CiBEST, National University of Singapore, April 2015 to February 2020
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant for the "Evaluating Public Open Spaces in High Density for Low Carbon Cities: A Case of Hong Kong", FCE Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Nov. 2014 - March 2015.
  • Co-Investigator for "A Framework for Stakeholder Engagement to formulate the Proposed Green Deck Project at Cross Harbour Tunnel in Hong Kong." University Internal Research Grant, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Nov. 2013 - June 2014.
  • Principal Investigator for the "Selection of Historic Sites for Urban Conservation in Cebu Province, Philippines", Japan Government REDP-B Research Grant (Principal Investigator), Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, 1998.
  • Team Leader for the "Redesigning of Attractive City Center: Socio-physical Barrier-free Environment and Welfare at the City Center", the City Center; Asian Pacific Center Planning Workshop Research Grant to Fukuoka, Japan, 1997.
  • Architecture for the Common Good Projects:
    • Retrofitting of the Basilica del Sto. Nino Inner Courtyard (2004)
    • Apostleship of the Sea (AOS) Center Building (funded by the ITF, London, 2003)
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