Tsiat Siong Tan

Dr Tan Tsiat Siong (Shane)

Lecturer, Business Programme

School of Business

Tel: +65 6240 8928

Email: dHN0YW5Ac3Vzcy5lZHUuc2c=

Educational Qualifications

  • 2021
    PhD, Interdisciplinary Graduate Programme, Nanyang Technological University Singapore
  • 2015
    MSc (Applied Economics), National University of Singapore
  • 2014
    BA with Honours (Economics), Nanyang Technological University Singapore

Academic and Professional Experience

  • 2020 - Present
    Lecturer, Singapore University of Social Sciences
  • 2015 - 2020
    Instructor, Nanyang Technological University Singapore
  • Tan T.S. and Quah E. (forthcoming). Assessing energy efficiency in Singapore’s food retail sector: A stated preference approach. Economic Analysis and Policy.
  • Chia W.M., Quah E., Tan T.S., and Ho N. (forthcoming). Willingness-to-pay for a haze adaptation programme and a haze eradication programme in Singapore: The 2015 transboundary haze. Asian Economic Papers.
  • Quah E., Chia W.M., and Tan T.S. (2021). Economic impact of 2015 transboundary haze on Singapore. Journal of Asian Economics (75).
  • Chang Y.H., Trang D.T.Q., Tan T.S., and Taghizadeh-Hesary F. (2021). Competition and cooperation in the natural gas market: a game theoretic demand-base analysis. Asia Europe Journal (19), 21-49.
  • Lee Z., Quah E. and Tan T.S. (2021). Appraisal methods in developing countries. In Appraisal methods in Transport, ed Mouter N. Elsevier.
  • Quah E. and Tan T.S. (2021). Valuing the environment for public policy. In Sustainable development: Sustainability and environmental decision making, eds Schubert R. and Quah E. Springer.
  • Quah E. and Tan T.S. (2020). Valuing the environment. In Ways to Achieve Green Asia, eds Huang B. and Yu E. Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Quah E. and Tan T.S. (eds) (2018). Pollution Across Borders; Transboundary Fire, Smoke and Haze in Southeast Asia. World Scientific, Singapore. Available at https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/


  • Quah E. and Tan T.S. (2016). Sustaining growth, climate change, and meeting environmental obligations: what can ASEAN governments do? In Adaptation to climate change: ASEAN and comparative experiences Eds Koh KL et al. World Scientific, Singapore.
  • Quah E. and Tan T.S. (2015). Singapore’s future economic landscape: Pursuing growth or protecting the environment. In Beyond 50: Re-imagining Singapore. ed Joachim Sim. Really Good Books, Singapore.
  • Tan T.S. and Wee D. (2019, Sep 07). What is heritage worth to you? The Business Times. Available at https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/government-economy/what-is-heritage-worth-to-you
  • Quah E., and Tan T.S. (2017, May 30). Smoking is lowering your productivity and killing the economy. Channel News Asia. Available at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/health/commentary-smoking-is-lowering-your-productivity-and-killing-the-8894252
  • Quah E., and Tan T.S. (2015, Oct 29). What can Indonesia do about the haze? The Business Times. Available at https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/opinion/what-can-indonesia-do-about-the-haze
  • Quah E., and Tan T.S. (2015, Oct 28). What can Singapore do about the haze? The Business Times. Available at https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/opinion/what-can-singapore-do-about-the-haze
  • Quah E., and Tan T.S. (2015, Sep 22). When the haze doesn’t go away. The Straits Times. Available at https://www.straitstimes.com/opinion/when-the-haze-doesnt-go-away


  • Deterrent Effects of Punishment Systems, Central Narcotics Bureau. 2022-2023.
  • Economic Value of Museums, National Heritage Board. 2022-2023.
  • Cost of Drug Crimes (Phase II), Central Narcotics Bureau, 2021-2023.
  • Intangible costs of the Southeast Asian Haze. AcRF Tier 1, Nanyang Technological University. 2016-2020.
  • Future Resilient Systems, Singapore-ETH (Zurich) Centre. 2015-2020.
  • Cost of Drug Crimes (Phase 1), Central Narcotics Bureau. 2017-2019
  • Economic costs of the Southeast Asian Haze, National Environmental Agency. 2016-2018.
  • 2022 - Present
    Reviewer, Economics Open
  • 2017 - Present
    Ediorial Assistant, Singapore Economic Review
  • 2017 - Present
    Referee, Singapore Economic Review
  • 2015 - Present
    Youth Wing Committee and Member, Economic Society of Singapore
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis
  • Energy and Environmental Economics, Sustainability
  • Applied Microeconomics, Applied Econometrics
  • Courses
    • Big Data and Socioeconomic Issues
    • Statistics
    • International Economics
    • Managerial Economics, Economic Ideas and Models for Business
    • Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Environment
  • Deterrent Effects of Punishment Systems, Central Narcotics Bureau. 2022-2023.
  • Economic Value of Museums, National Heritage Board. 2022-2023.
  • Cost of Drug Crimes (Phase II), Central Narcotics Bureau, 2021-2023.
  • Intangible costs of the Southeast Asian Haze. AcRF Tier 1, Nanyang Technological University. 2016-2020.
  • Future Resilient Systems, Singapore-ETH (Zurich) Centre. 2015-2020.
  • Cost of Drug Crimes (Phase 1), Central Narcotics Bureau. 2017-2019
  • Economic costs of the Southeast Asian Haze, National Environmental Agency. 2016-2018.
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