Tania Nagpaul

Dr Tania Nagpaul

Senior Lecturer, Human Resource Management Programme

S R Nathan School of Human Development

Tel: +65 6248 0413

Email: dGFuaWFuYWdwYXVsQHN1c3MuZWR1LnNn

Educational Qualifications

2012 - 2017
PhD in Psychology, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
Cumulative GPA: 4.75/5.0 Thesis Title: Contingent self-esteem, materialism and wellbeing: the mediating effects of need for autonomy.

2001 - 2003
Masters in Applied Psychology, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India.

1998 - 2001
Bachelor (Honours) in Psychology, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India

Academic and Professional Experience

2020 - Present
Senior Lecturer, Human Resource Management Programme, S R Nathan School of Human Development, Singapore University of Social Sciences

2017 - 2020
Programme Manager (Research), Lien Centre for Social Innovation, Singapore Management University, Singapore.

2016 - 2020
Adjunct Lecturer, Division of Psychology, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Developed and taught a course on "Psychology for Sustainability".

2012 - 2017
PhD Candidate, Division of Psychology, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

2006 - 2009
Lecturer, Division of Psychology, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Taught a course entitled, "Coping with Cultural Transition".

2006 - 2010
Associate Chair and Tutor, Department of Psychology, SIM, Singapore.

Publication History
(Please click here for my Google Scholar Citation report; Scopus total citation count = 168; h-index = 7)

Nagpaul, Tania, C-H. Leong, C-S. Toh, A. B. Amir, R. Chin, and S. Tan. (2022). Exploring Job Satisfaction and Intentions to Quit among Security Officers: The Role of Work Hygiene and Motivator Factors. Social Sciences 11: 497. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci11110497

Nagpaul, T. & Koh, C. B. (2022)
“SimplyGood: From a Mission to Rescue Waste to a Passion for Reducing Single-use Plastics”. in Foo, M. D., Koh, C, B., Pua, M. (Ed). Towards a Sustainable Future: Delivering positive economic, environmental and social impact. (pp. 23–40). Asian Business Case Center.

Nagpaul, T., Sidhu, D., & Chen, J. (2021).
Food Insecurity Mediates the Relationship between Poverty and Mental Health, Journal of Poverty, Published online: 14 Apr 2021. DOI: 10.1080/10875549.2021.1910102 (Impact Factor-Citescore: 1.4)

TAN, Qiuyi; DAVIS, Christy; SIDHU, Dalvin; and NAGPAUL, Tania.
Crisis and connection. (2020). 1-29. Lien Centre for Social Innovation: Research. Available at: https://ink.library.smu.edu.sg/lien_reports/17

Nagpaul, T., Sidhu, D., & Chen, J.
The hunger report: An in-depth look at food insecurity in Singapore. (2020).
1-27. Lien Centre for Social Innovation: Research. https://ink.library.smu.edu.sg/lien_reports/15

Nagpaul, & Chen. (2019).
Self-determination theory as a Framework for understanding needs of youth at-risk: Perspectives of social service professionals and the youth themselves. Children and Youth Services Review, 99, 328-342. (Impact Factor: 2.04)

Nagpaul, T., & Pang, J.S. (2017).
Extrinsic and Intrinsic Contingent self-esteem and materialism: A correlational and experimental investigation. Psychology and Marketing. DOI:10.1002/mar.21009 (Impact Factor: 2.02)

Nagpaul, T., & Pang, J.S. (2017).
Materialism lowers well-being: The mediating role of need for autonomy—correlational and experimental evidence. Asian Journal of Social Psychology 20(1), 11–21. doi: 10.1111/ajsp.12159. (Impact Factor: 0.74)

  • Diversity education and training research, evaluating effectiveness and social experiments to demonstrate existence of bias
  • Intervention research, occupational well-being, social issues such as food insecurity, environmental sustainability, persons with disabilities and mixed methods research.

2024 May
Podcast interview with CNA938Live: Daily Cuts - Is the customer always, right? How to handle abuse towards service staff

2024 Apr
Commentary published in Today entitled: Racial slurs take a wider toll than hurting the recipient. Here’s what we can all do about it.

2023 Jul
Commentary published in Today entitled: Diversity and inclusion — mere buzzwords or life skills to be taught in school?

2022 Dec
Comments published in askSTJobs article entitled: Overcoming impostor syndrome at work.

2022 Nov
Commentary published in Today entitled: What youth want most from a job, and what bosses should do to get the best out of them

2022 Jul
Comments published in Lianhe Zaobao feature story entitled: Decoding workplace personality tests (translated).

2022 Jan
Commentary published in CNA entitled: Do we dump office chores no one wants to do on admin staff?

2021 Nov
Commentary published in Today entitled: Understanding the psychology of vaccine hesitancy could help to change minds.

2021 Mar
Media Interview for CNA Insider for 3 part series on Food Wastage.

2021 Mar
Podcast Interview with Social Service SG on the Hunger Report.

2020 Sep
LCSI’s ‘The Hunger Report’ was featured in: The Straits Times, Pg B2 (The Straits Times Online); TODAY Online.

2024 Mar
Awarded the MOE-SUF research funding for project titled, “Investigating the effectiveness of a university level diversity and inclusion course in influencing students’ diversity related attitudes and behaviours”.

2022 Jul
Received the SUSS Award for Teaching Excellence 2022 – Honorable Mention Certificate.

2015 & 2016
Won the Best Speaker award at the Humanities and Social Sciences colloquium, NTU, Singapore for two consecutive years.

Nagpaul, Tania. (2021). Exploring Job Satisfaction and Intentions to Quit among Security Officers: The Role of Work Hygiene and Motivator Factors. WAPOR Asia 4th Annual Conference, Bangkok

Nagpaul, T. & Pang, J.S. (2016). Materialism lowers well-being: The mediating role of need for autonomy—correlational and experimental evidence. Paper presented as an individual presentation at the 3rd Canadian Conference for Positive Psychology to be held at Niagara, Ontario, Canada in June 2016.

Nagpaul, T. & Pang, J.S. (2015). Psychological resources can attenuate the effects of materialism- an investigation of gratitude and mindfulness as possible solutions. Paper presented at the 4th Annual International Conference on Cognitive and Behavioural Psychology, Singapore, February 2015.

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