An S-L Practitioner’s journey through the 3P Ecosystem...
This session is a dialogue with and sharing of the reflections of a Service-Learning advocate’s journey through the 3Ps: People (IHL and community youth development at the young adult years, university career services), Public (Statutory board Public policy execution and sector equipping), and Private (corporate social impact through CSR and Sustainability strategy, and a social-missioned enterprise).
These are seen through the experience of an S-L practitioner’s career journey and hopes to point to the purpose of Service-Learning in IHLs to actualise in the fruit of the graduates as citizens playing a active roles in their community for society and the environment they live in.
Keywords: APRCSL, service-learning, IHL, community, environment, reflection
By: Theodore TEO
Source:7th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning, Singapore, June 2019
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