How does the Service-Learning Teaching Assistant (SLTA)...

The Service-Learning Teaching Assistant (SLTA) is a role to support the course-based service-learning projects to empower students becoming service leaders.
How does the Service-Learning Teaching Assistant (SLTA) Program promote students’ development? Service-Learning Community Impact Model has provided the framework on maximizing the impact of the community service via service-learning projects (Office of Service-Learning in Lingnan University, 2016). However, there is a lack of study investigating from the teaching assistants’ perspective to see how they benefit when they facilitate in the service-learning course. The study found out that “Active Listening”, “Anticipating and Solving Problems”, and “Influencing Others” are the leadership qualities significantly developed in the SLTA Program. The SLTA Program is unique to its people-development-oriented, peers mentorship, and roles and responsibilities contributing to the success of the SLTA’s personal development with service-learning.

Keywords: Service Leadership Qualities, teaching assistant, service-learning, APRCSL, Lingnan University

Tags:Community BuildingOthers

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