Reflective Teaching in S-L to improve academic connection...
Part of a wider study on the impact of S-L with structured reflections on civic outcomes, academic connection and personal growth in polytechnic students, this study focuses on the academic connection aspect of S-L and aims to examine a) how well students perceive academic connection in a S-L Chinese literary module in two consecutive runs; b) how academic connection might be strengthened. Reflective teaching from data analysis in October 2017 was conducted to enhance the next run in April 2018.
Keywords: APRCSL, reflective teaching, data analysis, academic connection, civic outcomes, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Service-Learning pedagogy, Academic connection, Modern Chinese Literature.
By: TIONG Shiuan Shiuan, Juliet CHOO, TAN Yew Kong, Jean ONG, Sangeeta NAIR, Angel CHAN, Faith ONG Ying Shiuh, TAN Bee Yen.
Source:7th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning, Singapore, June 2019
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