Class of 2007
Adrian is a dedicated clinical psychologist and leader in psychology in Singapore and the region who extends compassionate care to individuals struggling with health and mental well-being challenges. He is a registered Clinical Psychologist currently practicing in the private sector, following over a decade of service in the Singapore public healthcare sector.
Throughout a substantial portion of his post-graduation career, Adrian spearheaded transformative initiatives, providing guidance and support to individuals navigating health and mental well-being challenges. Notably, he has recently been elected as the President of both the Singapore Psychological Society and the ASEAN Regional Union of Psychological Societies. In these distinguished roles, he is at the helm of organisations dedicated to advancing psychological practices and research, with a profound commitment to improving the well-being of individuals.
My undergraduate journey at the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) has been a transformative and enriching experience that has prepared me to excel as both a psychologist and a leader in the field. Specifically, the courses emphasis on critical thinking and research nurtured my analytical mindset and ignited a passion for advancing psychological practices. I am deeply grateful for the dedicated lecturers and tutors who guided me throughout my undergraduate courses, all of whom are passionate practising psychologists. Their guidance extended well beyond the confines of textbooks, offering me invaluable insights that enriched my understanding of the discussed. The bond forged during my academic journey continues to thrive in professional settings, as I maintain regular contact with some of them. Their wisdom has propelled me forward, reminding me that our view of horizons is amplified by standing upon the shoulders of these remarkable giants.
Class of 2021
An aspiring clinical psychologist with the passion to serve society and loved the applied psychology education at SUSS.
Chloe is at present a graduate student pursuing the Master of Psychology (Clinical) programme. Before joining the programme, she was an associate psychologist (AP) in the social service sector. As an AP, Chloe had various responsibilities like triaging, working with clients and developing psychoeducational resources and programmes.
The SUSS psychology programme has been invaluable in preparing me for my role as an AP. The psychology courses have an applied focus that goes beyond theoretical knowledge. Assignments often required me to apply psychological theories to real-world situations. Through the assignments, I became familiar with using theories and creating resources for different target groups. Such skills enabled me to develop psychoeducational materials as an AP effectively. Also, many courses were skills-focused, requiring us to engage in role-plays and reflect on our skills and values. These experiences gave me an edge as an AP as the essential skills I needed, like basic counselling skills and maintaining a reflective practice, were not foreign to me. Moreover, balancing work and studies at SUSS has honed my time management and organisational abilities, allowing me to juggle the demands of my subsequent pursuits. The SUSS psychology programme not only shaped my journey from an AP to a graduate student but also equipped me with the skills needed to thrive in my future roles.
Class of 2018
Dhanian is now in Vancouver, Canada, completing her Master in Counselling Psychology at Adler University. She also works as a behaviour interventionist with clients on the autism spectrum. The youngest client she has had was 3 years old, and the oldest is 24 this year.
SUSS's psychology program prepared me not just for my work roles, but life in general! It exposed me to theories about cognition, emotion, and behaviour that continue to serve me today - not just in my work roles, but in life in general (e.g. positive psychology/life skills, people skills). Being a counselling psychology student and behaviour interventionist both require me to be self-reflexive, and the psychological knowledge that I've gained have kept me grounded and helped me to recognise whether I'm headed in the right direction. Being a working student at SUSS also meant that I had to learn how to manage my different responsibilities and time well, and those skills have continued to serve me today as I complete my postgraduate studies as a working student again (A+s here for daysss xD)!