Email: [email protected]
Curriculum Vitae:
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Minnesota
Master of Social Work, University of Pennsylvania
Bachelor of Arts, University of Singapore
Professor of Social Work, Augsburg College, MN, USA
National University of Singapore
Associate Professor, 1998-2006, Senior Lecturer, 1994-1998, Lecturer, 1989-1993, National University of Singapore. (Vice Dean, 1999-2000, Sub-Dean, 1992-1994, 1997, Director, Centre for Informational Technology, 1999-2000, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, NUS. Coordinator, 1997-1999, Talent Development Program, and Teaching and Learning Resource Unit and Foundation Course Unit, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, NUS)
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Colleges of St. Thomas, Minnesota, USA
Teaching Assistant, Instructor, Counselor-Advocate, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
Therapist and Coordinator of Training, Counselling and Care Center, Singapore.
Co-chair, Commonwealth Organization for Social Work
Advisory Committee, Minnesota Board of Social Work, Executive Committee, Minnesota Council for Social Work Education
Regional President Asia and Pacific, International Federation of Social Workers
Executive Board Member, International Federation of Social Workers
President, Singapore Association of Social Workers
Chairman, Advisory Panel on Registration of Social Workers
Chair, FAST (Family And Survivors of Tsunami) Project, International Federation of Social Workers and Commonwealth Organization for Social Work
Chairman, Family Resource Training Center, Singapore
Treasurer & Board Member, Asia Pacific Association for Social Work Education
National Association of Social Workers, USA, 1979-1980; Board member NASW-MN Chapter
Academy of Certified Social Workers, (ACSW), USA
Clinical Member, American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, USA
Founding Member, Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, Singapore
Inter-University Consortium for International Social Development
Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution, USA
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