Learning Tools

Professor Wong Yue Kee

Professor Emeritus

Email: [email protected]

Educational Qualifications

Ph.D, Information Systems, University of Michigan

M.A., Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania

B.A.Sc. (Hons), Industrial Engineering, University of Windsor

B.A. Mathematics, University of Windsor, Canada



Academic and Professional Experience

Academic Experience

2018 - 2022
Professor, Singapore University of Social Sciences-SUSS

2011 - 2021
Assoc. Prof. and Vice-President (Learning Services), SUSS

2000 - 2011
Assoc. Prof. (Practice), Singapore Management University-SMU

1994 - 2000
Senior Lect., Decision Sciences, National University of Singapore

1989 - 1994
Lecturer, Decision Sciences, National University of Singapore

1981 - 1989
Senior Tutor, National University of Singapore

Professional Activities

Member Workgroup on 3rd Enabling Masterplan, MSF

Judge, SG:D TechBlazer Awards, Singapore

2015 - 2021
Board of Education, at-Sunrice, Singapore

2015 - 2020
Board of Directors, eLearning Forum Asia, Hong Kong

Advisor, Pathlight and Autism Resource Centre

Course Review Committee, Singapore Polytechnic

Consultant, ITE eLearning Portal, Singapore

Consultant, NCS eLearning Platform, Singapore


Journal Articles (Refereed):
“Using Web-Based ICT in Learning: A Case Study of a Knowledge Management Programme”, by Thomas MENKHOFF, Tze Yian THANG, Yue Wah CHAY, and Yue Kee WONG, 2011, VINE: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems.

“Neural network Model for Predicting Nikkei and Eurodollar Interest Rate Futures Prices”, by Yue Kee WONG and A. KOH, 1995, TIMS XXXIII

“Technical Analysis of Nikkei 225 Stock Index Futures Using an Expert Systems Advisor, by Yue Kee WONG and A. KOH, 1994, The Review of Futures Market

Conference Papers (Refereed):
“Blended Learning Issues in Implementing a Knowledge Management Course: Lessons Learnt at the Singapore Management University”, by Thomas MENKHOFF, Tze Yian THANG, and Yue Kee WONG, 08/2008, International IADIS Conference “e-Learning 2008” by International Association for the Development of an Information Society (IADIS), Freiburg, Germany.

“Evaluating the Blending of an e-Learning Module into a Knowledge Management Course: A Case Study from the Singapore Management University (SMU)”, by Thomas MENKHOFF, Edgardo DONATA TY, Tze Yian THANG, and Yue Kee WONG, 07/2007, International IADIS Conference “e-Learning 2007” by International Association for the Development of an Information Society (IADIS), Lisbon, Portugal.

“Why is There No Game?” Critical Success Factors in Blending an e-Learning Module into a Knowledge Management Course: A Case Study from the Singapore Management University (SMU)”, by Thomas MENKHOFF, Yue Kee WONG, Tze Yian THANG, and Donata Ty EDGARDO, 07/2007, 5th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications (EISTA 2007) in the context of The International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando Florida, USA.

Papers (Unrefereed) and Working Papers:
“Engaging Knowledge Management Learners Through Web-Based ICT: An Empirical Study” by Thomas MENKHOFF, Tze Yian THANG, Y.W. CHAY and Yue Kee WONG, 2009.

“Online Peer Evaluation: Making Peer Assessment Easier”, by Yue Kee WONG, 2009

“Blended Learning Issues in Implementing a Knowledge Management Course: Lessons Learnt at the Singapore Management University”, by Thomas MENKHOFF, Tze Yian THANG, and Yue Kee WONG, 10/2008, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University, Singapore.

“Evaluating the Blending of an E-Learning Module into a Knowledge Management Course: A Case Study from the Singapore Management University (SMU)”, by Thomas MENKHOFF, Tze Yian THANG, and Yue Kee WONG, 09/2007.

Books and Chapters:
“E-Commerce Case Studies: Katong Flower Shop and Show 100”, by Yue Kee WONG and T. TEO, 2000, IT Applications in SME.

“Bank Use of the World Wide Web: An Exploratory Study”, by T. TEO and Yue Kee WONG, 1999, School of Business, National University of Singapore.

“Computer Aided Group Judgement: Group Decision Support Systems Effectiveness” by Yue Kee WONG, 1989, Cognitive Science Machine Intelligence Lab, University of Michigan.

Conference Presentations:
“Enhanced Digital Content: Changing Landscapes for Teaching and Learning”, 06/2015, eLearning Forum Asia 2015, SINGAPORE.

“Student Learning - Are We Listening”, by Yue Kee WONG, 04/2010, Cerbibo Teaching and Learning Conference – Oct 2010, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, CHINA.

“Student Feedback through Journals”, by Yue Kee WONG, 04/2010, ELFA2010 Conference, Dong Hwa University, Hualien, TAIWAN.

“Distance Learning at SMU”, by Yue Kee WONG, 07/2003, Conference for International Distance Education Network, Busan, KOREA.
2023 -
Emeritus Professor, Singapore University of Social Sciences

2011 - 2022
Vice President (Learning Services), SUSS

2003 - 2009
Director, Centre for Teaching and Learning, SMU

2005 - 2009
Member, Taskforce for Teaching Excellence, SMU

2005 - 2009
Member, IT Steering Committee, SMU
10 Years’ Service Award, Singapore University for Social Sciences, 2021

10 Years Long Service Award, Singapore Management University, 2010

Nominated for Service Award, Singapore Management University

Beta Gamma Sigma, High Scholastic Achievement (PhD)

Teaching and Research Assistantships – University of Michigan

Overseas Graduate Scholarship – NUS Senior Tutorship Scheme

General Electric Scholarship – NUS Scholarship

Colombo Plan Scholarship – PSC Scholarship

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