English Language Support Programmes

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Fulfilling the English Proficiency (EP) requirement

1a. Introduction and FAQs

A good command of English is important for students to successfully complete a degree programme. In order to raise the level of English proficiency, enhance academic performance and set students up for professional success, Core Learning offers a suite of English Proficiency (EP) online courses to equip students with the necessary language skills.

To find out whether you have or have not met the EP requirement, please click here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


  • If you did not meet the EP requirement, it is mandatory for you to go through the EP programme. For more details on the various SDE courses, refer to Section 1b. SDE Course Details below.
  • If you have met the EP requirement, but would like to enrol into SDE courses, please click here.

1b. SDE Course Details

Core Learning offers one diagnostic course and four language enhancement courses in the EP programme.

Note: All SDE courses are self-paced online courses.

(1) Diagnostic CourseFees (excluding GST)

SDE101 Essential English Skills and English Proficiency Assessment

This course aims to diagnose students’ English language abilities and skills and contains two English Proficiency Assessments (EPA) and a set of materials related to developing better listening, reading, and writing skills.

*Course fee applies from the second attempt onwards


(4) Language Enhancement Courses

Fees (excluding GST)

SDE102 Developing Academic Writing Skills

This course presents some of the operational aspects of writing and the essential skills necessary for producing written work of the required standard. This course introduces students to specific skills that enable them to produce coherent and cohesive written arguments.


SDE103 Grammar

This course equips students with some of the foundational knowledge and skills required to construct grammatical sentences and avoid common language errors, so that they can communicate ideas clearly and persuasively. The course will cover the nuts and bolts of grammar, and explore how words, phrases and clauses may be effectively combined into coherent sentences.


SDE104 Academic Reading

The ability to successfully incorporate reading materials in your assignments and examinations is an important skill to possess in higher education. Before students can incorporate reading materials into their writing, they must first comprehend what they read. Reading materials that are used at university level can be very sophisticated. This course equips students with academic reading skills to help them wade through the sometimes murky body of knowledge available.


SDE105 Academic Writing

This course helps students to develop core competencies in academic writing. These generic and transferable skills will be useful in writing all academic reports and essays.



1c. Registration Dates

How to register for SDE courses if you did not meet the EP requirement, i.e. it is mandatory for you to enrol into SDE courses.

  1. Login to Student Portal.
  2. Click on "E-Services" on the left menu.
  3. Click on "English Proficiency" in Student Service.
  4. Click on "English Proficiency Registration".

SemesterCRN (Run)Registration Period for Required StudentsCourse Duration
  Opens onCloses on 
January0103 Jan 2024 3pm07 Jan 2024 9pm08 Jan - 11 Feb 2024
January0226 Feb 2024 3pm03 Mar 2024 9pm04 Mar - 07 Apr 2024
July0129 Jul 2024 3pm04 Aug 2024 9pm05 Aug - 08 Sep 2024
July0226 Sep 2024 3pm29 Sep 2024 9pm30 Sep - 03 Nov 2024



1d. EP Progression Flow Chart

Please click HERE if you are unable to view the image below.




The SDE courses are compulsory for the group of students stated in Section 1a but are optional for the rest of the students. If you have met the EP requirement but would like to strengthen your English proficiency, you are welcome to register for any course. All courses are available for registration twice per semester. Please refer to Section 2a. Registration Dates for the course durations and registration periods.

You will receive a grade if you attempt the assessments in the courses, but the final grade does not count towards your credit units or CGPA.

2a. Registration Dates

  1. Login to Student Portal
  2. Click on "e-services" on the left menu
  3. Click on "Event Service Online" in Student Service
  4. Click on the "Event ID" of the specific SDE course(s) you wish to register for.

SemesterCRN (Run)Registration Period for Opt-In StudentsCourse Duration
  Opens onCloses on 
January0104 Dec 202322 Dec 202308 Jan - 11 Feb 2024
January0229 Jan 202416 Feb 202404 Mar - 07 Apr 2024
July0101 Jul 202419 Jul 202405 Aug - 08 Sep 2024
July0226 Aug 202413 Sep 202430 Sep - 03 Nov 2024

Get In Touch

For more information about the English Language Support Programmes, drop us an email at cl_epsupport@suss.edu.sg.

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