Singapore University of Social Sciences

Motor Development, Control and Learning

Motor Development, Control and Learning (BSE217)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: To be confirmed

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Education

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: S R Nathan School of Human Development


BSE217 Motor Development, Control and Learning provides fundamental knowledge of how the development of body systems influences the emergence of motor milestones and how the central nervous system controls movements to facilitate performance and acquisition of motor skills. Important topics including pre- and post-natal development, processes of motor learning and instructional strategies related to skill acquisition will be covered through a series of lectures, assignments and practical exercises.

Level: 2
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY REGULAR SEMESTER


  • Defining the Motor Development, Control & Learning Field
  • Theoretical Perspectives in Motor Development
  • Prenatal Development
  • Postnatal Development
  • Development of Postural Control
  • Development of Fundamental Movement Skills
  • Classification of Motor Skills
  • Neuromotor Basis for Motor Control
  • Motor Control Theories
  • Defining and Assessing Motor Learning
  • Instruction and Augmented Feedback
  • Practice Conditions

Learning Outcome

  • Explain common terminology, key theories and conepts related to motor development, control and learning.
  • Discuss learning characteristics of Fitts and Posner Three-Stage Model.
  • Outline neuro-processes underlying the control of voluntary movement.
  • Differentiate between novice and proficient skill performance.
  • Distinguish between motor performance and motor learning.
  • Employ instructions, feedback and practice conditions to enhance motor skill acquisition.
  • Formulate effective training programmes based on motor learning concepts and principles of instruction, feedback and practice conditions.
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