Singapore University of Social Sciences

Applied Sport Psychology

Applied Sport Psychology (BSE309)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: To be confirmed

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Education

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: S R Nathan School of Human Development


This course addresses the psychological factors and skills needed to facilitate peak performances in sport and other competitive situations. The focus of study examines the latest research and best practices of sport performance enhancement through the application of basic mental skills; composure and concentration skills; confidence and adversity-coping skills; cohesion and team dynamics strategies; and the periodization of mental skills training.

Level: 3
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY REGULAR SEMESTER


  • Psychological factors associated with peak performance: - Psychological characteristics during peak experiences; - Mental toughness and sport performance; - Increasing awareness for sport performance (Practical Session)
  • Basic mental skills – goal-setting, Imagery, self-talk: - Research and theory: Goal-setting, imagery, self-talk; - Guidelines for effective application; - Basic mental skills training workshop (Practical Session)
  • Composure and concentration skills: - Relationship between optimal arousal with performance; - Attention control training and strategies; - Composure and concentration skills training workshop (Practical Session)
  • Confidence and adversity coping skills: - Theory and principles of confidence-building; - Coping with adversity; - Confidence & coping with challenges skills training workshop (Practical Session)
  • Cohesion and team dynamics: - Creating effective team climate; - Enhancing team cohesion; - Application: Case studies
  • Implementing mental skills training (MST) with athletes and teams: - Guidelines for effective MST programme implementation; - Programme evaluation & ethical considerations; - Application: Case studies

Learning Outcome

  • Discuss relevant theories and research to explain performance-related cognitions, emotions and/or behaviours.
  • Appraise psychosocial factors and their effects on skills learning or sport performance.
  • Examine the use of mental skills for sport performance enhancement.
  • Develop different intervention methods for sport performance enhancement.
  • Apply appropriate sport psychology principles and skills to practical sport and performance case studies.
  • Design a season-long, periodised mental skills training programme for a sport or performance target group.
  • Prepare a hands-on, applied sport psychology workshop to an intended target audience.
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