Singapore University of Social Sciences

Doing Business with China

Doing Business with China (BUS371)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: To be confirmed

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Business Administration

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: School of Business


China has seen phenomenal economic growth in the past 30 years and will be the world’s largest economy in due course. The Chinese economy has transited from a centrally planned economic system to a quasi market-oriented system over the past three decades, and with that transition, China has become the second largest economy in the world since 2010. China is also one of the largest exporting and importing economies in the world. With such vibrant market dynamics, doing business with or in China is fast becoming an important consideration for both large and small enterprises. At the same time, due to its nascent stage of capitalist development, transacting a business with China from the outside or operating a business within China has subtle differences when compared to doing business with the more established developed countries. This course aims to equip you with the relevant knowledge on doing business with Chinese companies or operating a business in China. This course provides you with the fundamental knowledge to understand China, its people and how businesses are to be conducted in the country. This course also provides information on viable business models, market entry strategies and other socio-cultural aspects of the Chinese people for potential businesses interested in investing in China.

Level: 3
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY


  • China’s overall political, administrative and economic structures.
  • China’s role in the global economy and its relations with the world.
  • China’s legal system.
  • The Five-Year Plans in China.
  • Types of business structures in China.
  • Special Economic Zones in China.
  • Contemporary accounting system and development in China.
  • Contemporary taxation system and development in China.
  • Government policy and the development of China’s logistics environment.
  • Supply chain management strategies in China.
  • The nature of consumer markets, consumer behavior and business culture in China.
  • The need for a good Chinese translator in China.

Learning Outcome

  • Analyse China’s overall political, administrative and economic structures.
  • Interpret China’s legal system and Five-Year Plans.
  • Compare and contrast various business structures and special economic zones in China.
  • Evaluate financing, accounting, taxation and other issues pertinent to doing business with China.
  • Formulate supply chain management strategies in China.
  • Examine the nature of consumer markets, consumer behavior and business culture in China.
  • Apply independent thinking and analytical judgment.
  • Demonstrate the ability to perform various forms of communicative capabilities, such as written reports, presentations, and class discussions.
  • Organise and plan group projects.
  • Employ problem-solving skills and make decisions as a team.
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