Singapore University of Social Sciences

Supporting Development

Supporting Development (BXL623)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: To be confirmed

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Education

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: Institute for Adult Learning


In this course, learners will examine a range of examples of development and growth in different organisations. In the process they will uncover assumptions about learners, learning, innovation, and change. The language of ‘skill’, ‘capability’ and ‘development’ and its implications for approaches to talent development will be an important focus. They will examine cases where organisations use a war of talent and a wealth of talent approach and their outcomes. This will provide an overarching frame for conceiving of development in and of the organisation. Such framing also impacts on relations between educational institutions/training providers and enterprises. Supporting development in and of an organisation, requires understanding of what it means to have meaningful relations between institutions in the ecosystem that can support an organisation’s capability development and strategic directions.

Level: 6
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY REGULAR SEMESTER


  • Approaches to learning and development in organisations
  • War of talent or wealth of talent and the role of HR
  • Implications of talent development approaches for learning, innovation and change
  • Do organisational development approaches help?
  • Does language matter? Skills, capability and development
  • Skill development in organisations
  • Leaders supporting development – what does it entail?
  • Relations between institutions in ecosystems for supporting a wealth of talent
  • Labour markets, job design, institutional frameworks and business models
  • How ecosystems contribute (or not) to talent development
  • Designing a plan for supporting development
  • Reflexively synthesising key concepts

Learning Outcome

  • Differentiate between different approaches to talent development
  • Critique ecosystems relations that enhance or inhibit learning and development
  • Examine the implications of language use of skills, capabilities and development
  • Create a frame for analysing development in relation to learning, innovation and change
  • Judge current development approaches and their alignment with organisational strategic
  • Design a plan for supporting development
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