Singapore University of Social Sciences

Future-oriented Learning Design

Future-oriented Learning Design (BXL652)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: To be confirmed

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Education

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: Institute for Adult Learning


In this course, the focus is on design of learning for programmes, or for those supporting learning in the workplace, to develop an intentional overall approach over time for their team, or department or the whole of the organisation. Learners will learn about recent developments in design of learning / curriculum pertinent to adults, such as, the Six Principles of Learning Design, future oriented assessment, dialogic inquiry; sense-making, through lines in curriculum, and designing seamless movement across different modes of delivery. These will be compared to more traditional approaches as a means of engaging in critical evaluative dialogue about different frameworks/models/approaches, thus enabling learners to deepen understanding and develop their theoretical stance. They will interact with practitioners and researchers from workplaces and from educational institutions, to hear about their challenges and how they overcame them. With the group of learners and their institutional setting (educational institution/provider or workplace) that learners undertook a learning needs analysis for in Understanding and analysing learning needs, they will design a short programme, and gain feedback from peers and mentors to critically reflect on their design.

Level: 6
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY REGULAR SEMESTER


  • Making sense of terminology - curriculum, programmes and courses, teaching & learning
  • Working out through lines to be established in curriculum
  • Innovative approaches to learning design/curriculum
  • Innovative approaches to assessment
  • Traditional approaches to and models of learning design/curriculum
  • Critically analysing approaches
  • Designing at programme level
  • Designing a programme in relation to learning needs analysis
  • Defending and justifying learning and assessment approaches
  • Stakeholders and addressing governance issues
  • Providing a rationale based in the literature and that will influence stakeholders
  • Critical reflection and future orientation

Learning Outcome

  • Critique differing frameworks/models/approaches of learning/curriculum design
  • Construct through lines in learning / curriculum design
  • Defend their rationale for their design
  • Design a short learning programme
  • Evaluate own and peers’ design of learning
  • Deconstruct their teaching and learning beliefs and practices
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