Singapore University of Social Sciences

Introduction to and Assessment Framework for Youth Issues

Introduction to and Assessment Framework for Youth Issues (COS363)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: To be confirmed

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Social Services

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: S R Nathan School of Human Development


In this course, students will appraise the definition of the term “at-risk” and analyse the concerns of at-risk youths using the Ecological Model as a basis for assessment. Youths who are described to be at risk have the potential to become responsible and productive adults but they are limited by the challenges within the ecology of their lives. Students will make reference to adolescence development in understanding youths’ risks, needs and strengths. Students will also examine risk factors within the context of environmental factors, and legal and ethical issues. The course also discusses family and school issues that predispose, precipitate and perpetuate the problems of at-risk youths.

Level: 3
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN


  • Definition of at-risk and at-risk problems and issues
  • At-risk tree and the Ecological Model
  • The economy
  • Policy proposals and strategies to manage the risk
  • The Legal system
  • Ethical issues and practice
  • The family life cycle
  • The family system
  • Dysfunctional families: family problems versus problem families
  • Our educational system
  • The school climate
  • Skills characterising at-risk youths: 5 Cs of competency
  • Determining the youth’s commitment via the stages of change

Learning Outcome

  • Discuss the concept of at-risk youths
  • Examine the use of the Ecological Model in assessing “at-risk” youths issues
  • Appraise the educational system and the school climate and their impact on at-risk youths
  • Apply ethical principles in working with at-risk youth
  • Assess the presenting issues of at-risk youths
  • Analyse the risk level of the at-risk youths through the use of the five areas of competencies of youths
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