Singapore University of Social Sciences

Research and Evaluation in Counselling

Research and Evaluation in Counselling (COU505)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: To be confirmed

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Social Services

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: S R Nathan School of Human Development


This course is designed to provide a practical graduate-level overview of research and evaluation design in counselling and to develop skills for designing and criticizing research. It is intended to assist students in planning and conceptualising their own research and in interpreting and using the research of others.

Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN


  • Appreciating Practitioner Research
  • Developing Research Literacy
  • Understanding Ethical Issues In Research
  • Constructing an Achievable Research Agenda
  • Using Quantitative Designs
  • Using Qualitative Designs
  • Using Mixed Methods Designs
  • USingle Case Analysis
  • Planning Programme Evaluation
  • Conducting Programme Evaluation
  • Fortifying Research Designs With Rigor
  • Appraising Research Efforts

Learning Outcome

  • Examine and justify the role of research in enhancing practice.
  • Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative research.
  • Analyse methodological issues in qualitative and quantitative research.
  • Critique a research study and submit a written assessment.
  • Defend the importance of programme evaluation in counselling practices.
  • Plan and implement relevant steps in conducting a programme evaluation.
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