Singapore University of Social Sciences

Integrating Play across the Curriculum (游戏课程的整合与探究)

Integrating Play across the Curriculum (游戏课程的整合与探究) (ECC211)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: To be confirmed

Language: Chinese

Duration: 6 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Education

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: S R Nathan School of Human Development


Children make sense of their world through meaningful play. Many research theories have discussed the importance and value of play. Play promotes children's physical, cognitive, language, creativity, social and character development. ECC211 Integrating Play across the Curriculum examines the relationship between children's play and their holistic development. It aims to enhance students’ understanding on the importance of play and its role in inquiry-based activities in the curriculum. Students will learn to design play activities to facilitate children’s learning and be enabled to analyse the importance of teacher-child interactions during children's play. They will also be able to discuss parents’ expectations on children’s play. The impact of culture in children's play and the challenges faced by preschools/centres to integrate children’s play in their curriculum will also be discussed.

Level: 2
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY


  • Basic theories of children's play
  • Children’s development and play
  • Infants’ play
  • Preschool children’s play
  • School-aged children’s play
  • Culture and gender influences on play
  • The play of children with special needs
  • Play and inquiry activities in the Pre-School curricula
  • Teacher's role in children’s play and inquiry
  • The environment settings for play
  • Observation and assessment on play
  • Issues related to children's play

Learning Outcome

  • 描述游戏的主要理论与游戏的类型。(Describe the main theories of play and the types of play.)
  • 说明不同年龄阶段儿童游戏的发展以及游戏与儿童发展的关系。(Interpret the development and the relationship of children's play at different ages.)
  • 探讨游戏与探究活动对儿童发展的作用以及儿童游戏的个别差异性 。(Discuss the role of play and inquiry children’s development.)
  • 叙述幼儿园课程中游戏和探究活动的设置与安排 。(Relate the settings and arrangements for play and inquiry in early childhood curricula.)
  • 例举儿童发展适宜性的游戏与探究活动 。(Illustrate with examples of children's age-appropriate play and inquiry.)
  • 分析幼儿园环境、教师在儿童游戏与探究活动中的支持作用。(Analyse the role of the learning environment and the supporting role of teachers and parents in children's play.)
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