Singapore University of Social Sciences

Developing Social and Emotional Competence in Young Children (发展幼儿的社交与情绪技能)

Developing Social and Emotional Competence in Young Children (发展幼儿的社交与情绪技能) (ECL207)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: To be confirmed

Language: Chinese

Duration: 6 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Education

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: S R Nathan School of Human Development


This course aims to enhance students’ abilities in managing children’s behaviours, creating a conducive classroom environment with models of appropriate interaction to support children’s social and emotional development. It emphasises the relationship of theories and practical application of knowledge in the teaching field to support the development of the child. Students will be exposed to various theories underpinning the development of social and emotional competencies of children with reference to current trends and issues. Combined with practical case studies, the course will equip students with techniques in observation, documentation and conflict management strategies in early childhood settings.

Level: 2
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN


  • Theoretical concepts of social and emotional development and stages of socialisation
  • Theories and models of competencies of children’s social and emotional development
  • Composition and impact of children’s social and emotional development
  • Impact of family, social environment and cultural influence on children's social and emotional development
  • Developmentally appropriate classroom environment for children's social and emotional development
  • Understanding policies and strategies relating to environment, social and emotional development of young children
  • Fostering children’s social and emotional development
  • Promoting children’s positive behaviour
  • Teaching objectives, methods and approaches of social skills and emotional development
  • Development and implementation of lesson plans to enhance children’s social and emotional competencies
  • Observation and documentation of children’s social and emotional development
  • Assessment of children’s social and emotional development

Learning Outcome

  • 阐释幼儿情绪与社交能力发展的阶段与过程。(Explain stages of children’s social and emotional development.)
  • 探究幼儿情绪与社交能力发展的关系,及其影响的因素。(Discuss issues and impact relating to social and emotional competencies of children.)
  • 检测并比较不同观察与记录幼儿情绪和社交能力的方法,并分析其优势和弱点。 (Examine different observation and documentation techniques of children’s social and emotional development.)
  • 正确地分析与统整所汇集之观察记录数据以进行幼儿情绪与社交能力评量。(Analyse observations, documentation, and strategies to create positive learning environments for children.)
  • 运用提升并改善幼儿情绪与社交技能的辅导策略。(Use knowledge of children’s social and emotional development to promote children’s positive behavior.)
  • 应用幼儿情绪与社交发展知识,分析与说明适合的教学环境与课程内涵,并提出相 关设计方案。(Apply knowledge of children’s social and emotional development to support developmentally appropriate classroom environment and curriculum.)
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