Singapore University of Social Sciences

Literary Stylistics

Literary Stylistics (ELG352)


A greater sensitivity to creative language use is invaluable for anyone interested in or working in the fields of communication, writing and education. This course aims to heighten students’ awareness of the relationship between style and meaning, and to equip students with the tools for analysing the English language in a special group of texts we call ‘literature’. It is especially suitable for students wishing to understand literary texts at a deeper level but the analytical skills acquired on this course would help all students to develop a more sophisticated appreciation of how language can be exploited to create meaning.

Level: 3
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN
E-Learning: BLENDED - Learning is done MAINLY online using interactive study materials in Canvas. Students receive guidance and support from online instructors via discussion forums and emails. This is supplemented with SOME face-to-face sessions. If the course has an exam component, this will be administered on-campus.


  • A Stylistics Approach
  • Sound & Image in Poetry
  • The Nature of Fictional Narratives
  • Speech and Thought Representation
  • The Pragmatics of Drama
  • Literary Discourse & Course Review

Learning Outcome

  • Examine the nature and aims of stylistics
  • Develop deeper knowledge of linguistic and literary concepts for the stylistic analysis of literary texts
  • Formulate a deeper understanding of the nature of literary discourse
  • Analyze literary texts through application of linguistic and literary concepts
  • Construct a stylistic analysis as a basis for the interpretation of literary texts
  • Apply relevant stylistic concepts and analytical skills to different genres
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