Singapore University of Social Sciences

Filter Theory and Design

Filter Theory and Design (ENG203)

Applications Open: 01 October 2023

Applications Close: 15 November 2023

Next Available Intake: January 2024

Course Types: Modular Undergraduate Course

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: $1844.26 View More Details on Fees

Area of Interest: Science and Technology

Schemes: Alumni Continuing Education (ACE)

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: School of Science and Technology


Filter Theory and Design is a level 2 course which follows the prerequisite course Eng201 (Linear System Analysis and Design). It addresses basic knowledge of system analysis and modeling, the theory of filters and design techniques for analog and digital filters based on the theories of signals and systems introduced in course Eng201. Filters are essential components which are extensively used in various electronic systems. Comprehension and mastery of filter theories will be necessary to achieve expected performance in electronic system design. This course also serves as the prerequisite for other coursework in the areas of signal processing and communications engineering. This course is to provide a theoretical foundation and some practical experience for analog and digital filters design in electronic systems and signal processing techniques.

Level: 2
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN


  • Foundation of Filter Theories
  • Ideal Low Pass Filter
  • Design of Analog filters
  • Z-transforms, transfer function manipulations, stability and causality
  • Design of Digital Filter I (FIR Digital Filters)
  • Design of Digital Filter II (IIR Digital Filters)

Learning Outcome

  • Sketch the frequency response of filter, zeros & poles of filter in s-plane and z-plane and block diagram representation of filters.
  • Give the transfer function of filter.
  • Discuss Buttherworth, Chebyshev type I, II filter designs.
  • Use frequency transformation method, bilinear transformation method to design filters.
  • Analyze filter response and filter parameters.
  • Compute cutoff frequencies, gain, roll-off, order, output signal and other parameters of filters.
  • Determine the various responses (impulse, natural, forced) of the given system.
  • Design FIR and IIR filters using the specified method.
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