Singapore University of Social Sciences

Techniques in Reminiscence Arts for Ageing Society

Techniques in Reminiscence Arts for Ageing Society (GER202)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: Modular Undergraduate Course

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Gerontology

Schemes: Alumni Continuing Education (ACE)

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: S R Nathan School of Human Development


Reminiscence is a way to recapture the past and connect to the present's daily lives. It involves not only the discussion of memories and experiences with other people using tangible prompts such as photographs, objects, music, art, immersive technology, but also involves the re-enactment of past events to trigger their half-forgotten memories to bring about joy and laughter. Reminiscence is an effective way to engage with older persons, their family members and friends. It can stimulate verbal and non-verbal communication, promote confidence and self-esteem for those who participated in the activity, especially person with dementia. GER202 Techniques in Reminiscence Arts for Ageing Society has an experiential and interactive element to equip students with necessary skills and methods to engage older persons through a series of reminiscence activities. Students will also have hand-on experiences with a range of tools including VR headsets with dynamic contents to design and practice different principles, bespoke skills and knowledge related to Reminiscence arts.

Level: 2
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY


  • What is Reminiscence?
  • Reminiscence and its Benefits
  • Who uses Reminiscence and how it is used
  • Reframing Reminiscence for Ageing Care
  • Theories of lifespan development
  • Reminiscence use in Dementia Care
  • Interacting with seniors in reminiscence art activities
  • Tailoring Reminiscence Approaches for Ageing Care
  • Exploring the different forms of reminiscence arts
  • Use of Virtual and Immersive Technology for Reminiscence
  • Creating reminiscence arts activities for seniors
  • Remembering Yesterday and Caring Today Programme

Learning Outcome

  • Outline the theory and principle related to reminiscence arts.
  • Explain how reminiscence arts activities support ageing care.
  • Discuss reminiscence art approaches appropriate for aged and dementia care.
  • Apply communication strategies and skills in facilitating reminiscence art activities.
  • Select the use of appropriate triggers for reminiscence art activities.
  • Create appropriate activities that can be used in reminiscence arts for a targeted group.
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