Singapore University of Social Sciences


Internship (GER525)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: To be confirmed

Language: English

Duration: 12 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Gerontology

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: S R Nathan School of Human Development


Internship focuses on the practical training of students for leadership in the gerontological field. This 200 hour internship provides the student with a placement at a social/health service agency where students practices the skills learnt in the classroom accompanied by interactive seminars. Besides attending to clients, the students also learn about the running of the organisation. There will be a series of seminars in which the students discuss issues relating to their practicum in a group setting. The student will be matched with a supervisor with the relevant knowledge and skills. The attachment can be in an eldercare agency for example a nursing home, silver industry or a voluntary welfare agency running programmes for well elderly. The student is required to enter into an agreement or contract with the supervisor at the initial stage of the attachment and the objectives will be jointly drawn up. The evaluation at the end of the attachment will be made using the objectives initially stated as a guide. The student may start the internship after completing the 6 core modules and may take 5 months to complete the internship. Internship is compulsory for students without prior experience in professional/voluntary work with older people.

Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY


  • Ethics and responsibilities of students
  • Format and assessments
  • Issues faced by students during Internship
  • Discussion on Skills needed for Gerontological Practice
  • Linking Gerontological concepts to Practice
  • Policies, practice interventions and research
  • Students' presentations on their learning process
  • Identify issues in the silver industry
  • Problem solving and solutions to issues faced by the silver industry
  • Reflection (2): issues faced by students during internship
  • Case sharing
  • Organisation policies and recommendations

Learning Outcome

  • Improve self-awareness of own attitudes towards seniors.
  • Develop effective communication skills in working with seniors, colleagues.
  • Design a variety of intervention processes effectively and sensitively with older persons and their families.
  • Appraise gerontological knowledge to practice such as age-related life course changes, family re-structuring.
  • Propose intervention or suggestions to improve agency activities/programmes.
  • Plan policies, services or activities for seniors and their families within the agency’s structure and guidelines.
  • Analyse service gaps and work with community leaders to improve the eldercare sector.
  • Recommend and advocate for better social policies.
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