Singapore University of Social Sciences

Torts, Litigation and Evidence

Torts, Litigation and Evidence (LAW307)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: To be confirmed

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Legal

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: School of Law


LAW307 Torts, Litigation and Evidence introduces the Law Student to the fundamental rules that govern the Law of Torts, or civil wrongs. Students will explore fundamental torts such as negligence and occupier’s liability, defamation and the economic torts. In the course of exploring torts, students will be introduced to the law of evidence, the law which governs how lawyers prove things in court. The law of evidence is governs not only what can be produced in court, but also fundamental issues such as the burden of proof and the standard of proof. In this way, the law of torts, instead of just being merely a substantive subject, will be brought into an applied context where the student has to marry book learning with court rules and practice in order to arrive at a solution to a client’s problems.

Level: 3
Credit Units: 10
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN


  • Introduction to the Law of Torts and Evidence Law
  • Torts Against Person
  • Admissibility of Evidence and the Hearsay Rule
  • Negligence I – Duty of Care, Duties and Parties
  • Negligence II – Breach of Duty and Breach of Statutory Duty
  • Modes of Proof and Documentary Evidence
  • Negligence III – Damage and Defences; Burden of Proof and Standard of Proof
  • Interference with Land and Occupier’s Liability
  • Interference with Goods and Opinion Evidence: Orders 40 and 40A ROC
  • Defamation and False Representations
  • Economic Torts, Privacy and Confidentiality
  • Vicarious Liability; General and Personal Injury Damages

Learning Outcome

  • Indicate the various sources of the relevant law, how it is made and developed; of the institutions within which that law is administered and the personnel who practice law
  • Demonstrate understanding of legal concepts, values, principles and procedures of Singapore law and explain the relationship between them in a number of subject areas, as well as to apply them
  • Analyse fact patterns to identify relevant issues of law, fact and procedure.
  • Interpret the relevant rule of substantive law, procedure or evidence relevant to the issues identified
  • Apply the relevant laws and principles to come to a conclusion on the issues
  • Formulate an opinion, provide a solution and advise based on the conclusions
  • Discuss critically, competing arguments in literature or in a group situation and make a reasoned choice between alternatives
  • Examine ideas, concepts and arguments in the English language and legal terminology with care and accuracy
  • Employ information technology in an office environment for the search for information, the preparation of documents and presentations
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