Singapore University of Social Sciences

Wills, Probate and Administration

Wills, Probate and Administration (LAW323)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: To be confirmed

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Legal

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: School of Law


LAW323 Wills, Probate and Administration deals with the law of succession, and in particular the laws that govern the writing of wills, the grant of probate and/or letters of administration, the distribution of assets and the problems of contentious probates when wills are contested.

Level: 3
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN


  • Introduction to the Law of Inheritance & the Effects of Death
  • Wills
  • Islamic Law of Inheritance
  • Rights of Succession
  • Letters of Representation and Personal Representatives
  • Estate Duty
  • Non-Contentious Probate
  • Contentious Probate; Part 14 of Family Justice Rules 2014
  • Assets of a Deceased
  • Rights, Powers, Duties and Liabilities of Personal Representatives
  • Distribution of Assets of an Estate
  • Mental Capacity Act

Learning Outcome

  • Indicate the various sources of the relevant law, how it is made and developed; of the institutions within which that law is administered and the personnel who practice law
  • Demonstrate understanding of legal concepts, values, principles and procedures of Singapore law and explain the relationship between them in a number of subject areas, as well as to apply them
  • Analyse fact patterns to identify relevant issues of law, fact and procedure.
  • Interpret the relevant rule of substantive law, procedure or evidence relevant to the issues identified
  • Apply the relevant laws and principles to come to a conclusion on the issues
  • Formulate an opinion, provide a solution and advise based on the conclusions
  • Discuss critically, competing arguments in literature or in a group situation and make a reasoned choice between alternatives
  • Examine ideas, concepts and arguments in the English language and legal terminology with care and accuracy
  • Employ information technology in an office environment for the search for information, the preparation of documents and presentations
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