Singapore University of Social Sciences

Islam and the Malays

Islam and the Malays (MLL219)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: To be confirmed

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Linguistics and Languages

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: School of Humanities & Behavioural Sciences


The module aims to discuss the religious orientation which had evolved among the Malays of Southeast Asia and attempts at analysing the socio-historical factors which had shaped such orientation. This module, which sets within a historical-sociological framework emphasises the importance of seeing Islam as the central element of Malay thought and values, shaping their cultural, social, economic and political life.

Level: 2
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY
E-Learning: BLENDED - Learning is done MAINLY online using interactive study materials in Canvas. Students receive guidance and support from online instructors via discussion forums and emails. This is supplemented with SOME face-to-face sessions. If the course has an exam component, this will be administered on-campus.


  • Central Values in Islamic Culture
  • Islamization of the Malays of Southeast Asia in history
  • Group Dynamics and Ideology Affecting Malay Religious Orientations
  • Islam and Malay Cultural Life and Rites de Passage in Malay Society
  • Religious Institutions and Malay Community Life
  • Contemporary Trends and Challenges

Learning Outcome

  • Discuss the role of religion in Malay society.
  • Analyse the roles of the religious elites in Malay society.
  • Appraise the values of Islam in Malay society.
  • Describe the religious rites of passage in Malay society.
  • Illustrate the role of Islam in Malay society.
  • Apply key perspectives of religious orientations in Malay society.
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