Singapore University of Social Sciences

Fundraising and Philanthropy

Fundraising and Philanthropy (NPM505)

Applications Open: 01 May 2024

Applications Close: 15 June 2024

Next Available Intake: July 2024

Course Types: Modular Graduate Course

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: $2200 View More Details on Fees

Area of Interest: Management

Schemes: Alumni Continuing Education (ACE)

Funding: SkillsFuture

School/Department: S R Nathan School of Human Development


NPM505 provides an overview of the ways in which non-profit organisations can raise funds from individuals and other sources of philanthropy. It will introduce students to funding sources and train students in fundraising techniques such as prospect research, grant writing, donor cultivation and solicitation and campaigning for support. The course will discuss the role and practices of fundraising as situated in contemporary philanthropic trends and philosophies. Students will apply their knowledge in case studies to derive best practices targeted for different non-profit organisations. Different schools of thought in strategic philanthropy will be discussed where fundraising activities centre around the organisation’s mission and values.

Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY


  • Fundraising – key concepts, basic tenets
  • Fundraising: importance to non-profit organisations (NPOs), relationship to vision, mission, positioning, strategy, needs
  • How to fundraise – sponsorships, grants, donations
  • Sponsorship
  • Understanding of Grants & Grants making
  • Donations – what and why, trends and different approaches including digital fundraising
  • Donations – donor cycle & ladder of engagement
  • Donations – other types of donations
  • Understanding Corporate Donations
  • Fundraising plan and strategy for an NPO
  • Governance of Fundraising
  • Understanding Strategic & Venture Philanthropy

Learning Outcome

  • Discuss how fundraising and philanthropy are crucial for organisational development and sustainability
  • Compare different fundraising tools and methodologies
  • Improve fundraising strategies to align with motivations, needs and strategies of the organisation
  • Construct strategies for effective fundraising outcomes
  • Assess what is required to build and sustain strategic philanthropy
  • Analyse opportunities for fundraising and philanthropy
  • Demonstrate practical skills in fundraising and philanthropy
  • Design new ways of undertaking fundraising in response to philanthropic trends
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