Singapore University of Social Sciences

Introduction to Sustainability Leadership

Introduction to Sustainability Leadership (OST165)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: Modular Undergraduate Course

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Others

Schemes: Alumni Continuing Education (ACE)

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: Student SUcceSS Centre


Sustainability leadership is gaining importance in a world that is facing significant and complex social, economic and environmental concerns. Amongst these, the impact of climate change takes the helm as the most urgent and immediate of all crises with an urgent need for sustainable and inclusive solutions. To address these pressing and interrelated challenges, leadership that prioritizes the long-term sustainability of our planet and leaders who understand sustainability values are needed. The course will adopt an experiential learning approach to let students examine the importance of environmental sustainability leadership and the key principles of this leadership approach. Students will also think critically about the complexity of sustainability issues by understanding the interconnectivity between social, economic, political, and environmental spheres, and its implications on different stakeholders. Students will apply sustainability leadership principles and values to assess how such practices can bring positive change to wicked problems in a global ecosystem.

Level: 1
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY REGULAR SEMESTER


  • Key concepts in sustainability
  • Life cycle analysis in measuring impact
  • Circularity in sustainability and resource management
  • Importance of impact evaluation in sustainability leadership
  • Paradigms in sustainable development
  • Ecological leadership and stewardship
  • Ecosystem thinking in sustainability leadership
  • Critical competencies of sustainability leadership
  • Inclusivity in sustainability
  • Effective communication and influence in sustainability efforts
  • Agency and resilience for a sustainable future, roles of leaders
  • Leading sustainability beyond SDGs for the future.

Learning Outcome

  • Discuss sustainability issues at different domains and scales.
  • Determine the complexity and challenges in sustainability leadership
  • Examine local and global leadership efforts in addressing sustainability challenges
  • Discuss different contexts surrounding issues in leading efforts towards sustainability
  • Apply sustainability leadership principles in a collaborative group.
  • Appraise sustainability solutions in an authentic context.
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